Chapter 25

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

The boys came back from eating and Hayes and I had stopped crying. It really broke my heart to see Hayes crying about me. Maybe people do care about me...

"Hanna Russell?" A doctor said

"yes?" I said as he came over to my bed

"Hello. I'm Doctor Monroe. Nice to met you." He said shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you too." I said. All the boys were watching us talk

"So Hanna. I'm reading your reports and it says that you attempted suicide." the doctor says and I nodded

"You have also self harmed by the looks of these cuts on your arm" he said and I nodded again

"So tell me your story so I can get you help." The doctor said

"I don't need help." I said a little harsh, I don't need a therapist who doesn't actually give a shit about my issues and wouldn't really care if i died.

"You almost committed suicide. There could be another chance you can try it again." The doctor said

"Can I go back to my hotel?" I asked

"Not quite yet. Tell me your story." the doctor said

"I don't want to tell you. its my business. Can I leave." I said

"No." The doctor said

"Doctor please listen!" Nash yelled. Everyone looked at him "Can she just leave? She has had a rough week."

"Fine. But, you should go to a suicide prevention center." the doctor said and i just nodded. I would never actually go to one of those, i'm stubborn and pretty positive it won't help me.


2 hours later we were back at the hotel and Nash started talking to me.

"Hanna, I need to talk to you." Nash said

"Ok." I said and we went in our hotel room.

"Hanna. I'm sorry for yesterday. I really like you. I didn't even add her number in my phone. I love you so fucking much. Please forgive me." Nash said holding my hand

"Nash. Im sorry but i am growing feelings for Jack.." I said and Nash looked sad

"You met him 3 days ago. We've known eachother since we were 8 when you moved in next door." Nash said and shook his head in disbelief

"But you also bullied me for 3 years and you almost made me... kill myself." I whispered the last part

"I-I made you do that..?" Nash said forming tears in his eyes

"Yeah" I said not making eye contact, i don't care if he is sad right now. I am the one that is suppose to be sad. I deserve to be the only one sad right now. Not him.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I don't know what's wrong with me." Nash said embracing me into a hug crying into my shoulder. "I have a serious question Hanna." he wiped away his tears

"Ok. What is it?" I asked

"I need you in my life, Hanna." Nash said grabbing both of my hands

"I will always be in your life, Nash" I said

"No. I need you. I need to call you mine. I need to wake up every morning knowing you're mine. I need to be able to kiss you whenever I want. Hanna Russell. I need you to be my girlfriend?" Nash said more as a question. I was dumbfounded.

"Nash.. I... I don't know. I just don't want to get hurt." I said letting go of his hands

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" Nash asked

"That's the same question I asked myself when I woke up everyday for 3 years. That's why." I said. and with that I walked out of the room.

I joined the rest of the boys in Shawn's room and about 2 minutes later Nash did too.

"Lets play marry, fuck, kill." Taylor suggested

everyone agreed.

"Ok Cameron. Andrea Russet, Jenn Mcalister, and Lohanthony." Nash said laughing and so was everyone else

"Marry Andrea, fuck Jenn, and obviously kill Anthony" he said laughing

"Hanna!" Matt said. uh oh. "Jack G, Justin Beiber, and Jake Foushee"

"Ok. Marry Jack, fuck Justin Beiber, and even though I love Jake I'm gonna have to kill him" I said laughing and so was everyone else. surprisingly Nash too. Jack smiled at me and I smiled back

"Nash! Hanna, Taylor Swift, And Tasia Alexis" Carter said. Greattt.

"Marry Hanna, fuck Hanna, kill Taylor and Tasia." Nash said. whaa?

"You did the game wrong!" Taylor yelled

"Well, that's how I feel." Nash said smiling at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"Actually, no. You keep that dick in your pants." Cam said making everyone laugh. I put my face in my hands because I was blushing.

"Nash is horny" Taylor said making everyone laugh making me more embarrassed. Jack didn't think it was funny either he rolled his eyes at taylor's immature comment.

"Truth or dare Hanna?" Carter said

"Since when are we playing this?" I asked confused

"Since now I guess" Carter said again

"Ok. Truth.." I said

"Noooo. Come on. Pick dare!" Matt said

"Ugh. Fine, dare.!" I said not knowing what to expect

"I dare you to go into the closet and play 7 minutes in heaven with nash." Carter said

"Carter..." I said looking at him dead in the eyes

"Its a dare Hanna." Nash said smirking at me

"I don't want to." I said

"And you aren't going to" Cam said a little over protective

"I wont. its fine" I said reassuring Cam.

I got a text from Jack G:

How does dinner sound? let's get out of this horn fest.

I looked up at him and smiled. he was literally 2 feet away from me, i not down on my lip trying not to laugh at him saying "horn fest."

I texted back:

It sounds great! But, I'm paying this time.

He said back:

Think what you want. Be ready in 1 hour.

I sent back a simple 'Okay:)'

I was happy to go out with Jack again! but, I feel like I also like Nash..

this sucks.

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