Chapter 36

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Hi guys its Hanna and all the guys! say hi!" I said starting off the video

"HIIIII!" They all screamed

"ouch" I plugged my ears and they laughed

"Alright! Can I say something?!" Nash asked

"Go ahead." I smiled

"Me and this beautiful gal right here are dating" He then pinched my cheeks and talked in a baby voice "And I wuv her" making everyone laugh

"Okay. first question" I started talking "How long have Hanna and Nash known eachother?"

"We've known eachother since we were 8 when Hanna moved in, so 8 years!" He smiled

"yup!" I smiled "Next question! For Hayes. Are you dating Madison Beer?" I giggled as everyone 'ooed'

Hayes looked right into the camera and said

"No guys. I am not dating Madison Beer. None of those stories rumors are true by the way!"


20 minutes later

"Alrighty! Thanks for watching everyone! All of our social media links will be down in the description! if you liked this video give it a thumbs up!" Everyone put their thumbs up "If you didn't like this video still give it a thumbs up!" I laughed as we all put our thumbs up again.

"BYEEEEE!" Everyone screamed and I ended the video

"I can't believe you two are dating." Cameron smiled

"Neither can I" Nash kissed my cheek and everyone 'Awed'

"It feels like yesterday we were making mud piles in your backyard." I giggled

"It feels like yesterday you two were moaning eachothers names" Taylor paused "Oh wait, that was yesterday." Everyone laughed and Nash wacked his arm, taylor will never let that go.

"Its getting late. Who wants to go to sleep?" Cam suggested and everyone else agreed. They were tired too.

Me and Nash went to our and I cuddled up to him. I feel asleep in his arms.

"You're so fucking ugly you know that right?" My drunk father said "You're a worthless piece of shit!" I felt hot tears stream down my face. "Just kill yourself!" My father got up and slapped my little face leaving a read hand print on it. "You will never succeed in life!" He punched my nose making blood gush out of it.

"YES I WILL!" I screamed waking up. I was covered in sweat and my breathing was heavy. A puddle of tears poured out of my eyes. I noticed I woke up Nash and Cameron

"What's wrong, babe!?" Nash asked nervously trying to calm me down.

Cameron was staring into my eyes

"Are they back?" He whispered, I nodded.

"Are what back?!" Nash asked. I just looked at him "Tell me, babe. You can trust me." Nash held one my cheeks and the back of my neck, as he planted a small kiss on my lips. i felt butterfly's flutter in my stomach, sparks were flying.

"My dad. He was in my dream." I cried

"Its alright, Hanna." Nash hugged me in his strong arms, I was there for another 2 minutes

"What time is it?" I asked

"Uh.." Nash looked at his phone. "2 A.M." he shrugged and hugged me again.

"Lets go to sleep... sorry for waking you.." I laid back down

"Don't be sorry. It was an honor being awaken by you." he giggled

"Are you sure you're ok Han?" Cam asked

"I'm positive." I laid back down, closing my eyes and fell in a deep sleep.


I woke up, Nash and Cam weren't in sight.

I looked in the bathroom just in case and, there was no sign of them.

I then looked on the small table in our hotel room.

Nash and I went to the store to get supplies a video. see ya soon!

I groaned reading the note. I wish they would've woke me. I hate being alone.

I was rethinking what happened last night. I thought of ways to get it off my mind. I tried singing.

"We don't have to be ordinary" I sung picking my clothes up on the ground.

"Make your best mistakes" I set them on the table

"We don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the party" I held out the note.

I heard a sudden knock on my hotel room door.

"Uh.. come in." I said embarrassed if they heard my singing

Sure enough, it was the man himself, Shawn Mendes.

"Shawn... uh.. what are you- were you-"

"You're amazing." He said looking into my eyes. "And I like how you were singing my song" He smirked

"are you serious?" I asked not thinking I was good at singing

"Yes. I'm extremely serious! Do you sing often?" Shawn asked as I shook my head no.

"Hanna. You have an amazing talent, use it. Look at were its got me." he smiled. Shawn was right. He is 15 and making music.

"We should make a duet video for my youtube channel!" He smiled

"Is the great, Shawn Mendes, asking me to sing with him?" I asked.excitedly

"So that's a yes?" He giggled

"Of course!" I gave him a quick hug, while he went to get his camera.

Authors Note:

First off, thanks sooo much for 8K reads!!!!

Second, I feel like my story sucks. Tell me the truth because I feel like I'm failing you guys with these crappy updatesXD

This update is awful so sorry. Message me for suggestions! I have a few ideas that I think will be fun to do! Lemme know<3

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