Chapter 11

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Alright. lets go to bed. Big day ahead of us tomorrow." Cameron said. we all agreed

Nash had a couch that can fit probably 4 people laying down. It was a sectional couch, i love it so much.

Nash cuddled up to me and I cuddled with him too. I don't know if I like him or not. I guess we'll find out in Orlando..


We woke up at 6:00 A.M. we had to be at the airport by 7:30 and our plane boarded at 8:30

Hayes woke up and came downstairs and ate breakfast with all of us

"Hey Hanna. Ready for magcon?" Hayes asked me while he was eating some cereal

"Yeah. But, im just nervous your fans won't like me." i said looking sad, I have been judged my whole life, these fans seem to judge every girl these guys bring around and i am so scared that will happen to me.

"They'll love you." Nash said rubbing my back. i didnt say anything back, i just know they will hate me.


We got at the airport at 7:16 A.M and waited to get our tickets and board onto the plane. It finally reached 8:30 A.M. and we got on the plane. I sat with Hayes so Nash and Cameron could sit together. Ugh i can't stand themes

Hayes talked to me about how the Magcon events work, he said usually Shawn, Jack and Jack, and sometimes Taylor and Dillon sing. He expressed his interest in shawns music and how he really looks up to him. I have listened to shawns music before, it was very amazing, he is a talented kid. After they sing they just mess around and meet their fans. It sounded fun, but again i was scared of the fans not liking me.

It is still weird to me that two of my bullies apologized and i even had a hot make out session with nash. Crazy. who would've though.

I have actually had my eye on one of the Magcon boys, which is 17 year old Jack Gilinsky. He is extremely funny and super good looking, he is my type. Dark hair, dark eyes and tan skin. I don't know how i will react when i see him, they don't make boys that look like him anymore.

Throughout half of the plane ride Hayes and Nash traded spots so me and Nash could work on our project that is due in 3 weeks. We named our baby boy Ryan and he weighs 6 lbs and 14 oz. We wrote other things about him, like what time he eats, how many times he wakes up during the night and more. We kind of bullshitted it but we finished and health is usually an easy A. Even if i couldn't focus in class.

We finally got in Orlando and it was so beautiful here, i love getting out of my town. We met up with the rest of the boys in the hotel lobby. Once i saw all the boys, all i can say was holy hotness, how is it possible that there is this many good looking men. All of them. My eyes met Jack G's and he smiled and waved and i did the same back, oh god my knees are weak. I feel like a fan girl but he is just so good looking i can't help it. I have a feeling that this trip is going to be good.

Authors note

Im on my laptop!

QOTD; Do you ship Janna or Hash?
Jack G is so sexy idc
Love you all<3

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