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Trigger warning: Please make sure to read this story's description before moving forward. I purple you 💜

Matthew 7: 1-5: "Do not judge your parents, and you will not be judged..." but why do I feel so judged and looked down upon?

"Park Jimin!" An angry, low voice barked. I flinched looking up from where I was sitting. "Y-yes papa?" I stuttered, eyes like a deer caught in headlights. "What have I told you about playing those kinds of games huh? Didn't I say that type of thing is for girls?" The older man seethed, eyes narrowing, piercing into my quivering ones. I couldn't respond, my lips parted yet I never spoke. "Answer me boy!" His tone raised tremendously, causing me to tremble. "I-I'm sorry, I-I-I" I tried to speak. "You're sorry? You will be when I'm done with you." At that moment his rough and large hands gripped my forearm, yanking me up. "N-no! S-stop papa p-please." I pleaded trying to pry his strong fingers off that were digging into my skin. "Shut up!" He spat. "N-no-" "Jimin-ah...Jiminie...Chim, snap out of it." A hand waved in my face. "What?" I mumbled, retreating from my daze. "You gotta stop daydreaming during class." My best friend spoke from in front of me. "Sorry, I can't help it." I whined. The boy in front of me giggled at my response. "Anyways the bell is about to ring so let's pack up." He spoke and began to organize his things. Korean history is our last class, so we're always eager to leave when the bell rings. Our houses are in the same neighborhood so we walk home together since our houses are only like 10 minutes away from our school. "Ugh." I groan as Jungkook and I walk. "What?" He asked glancing curiously back at me. "My legs are exhausted plus my shorter legs aren't helping me catch up to you." I complain, jogging to catch up to Jungkook. "It's ok that you're tiny, it's endearing." Jungkook cooed at me teasingly. "Hey I'm not that short ya know." I scoffed. "I just like teasing you Chim." The taller boy confessed and flashed me his bunny smile. "Whatever." I humphed, walking in front of him. "Park Jimin!" I heard my name being roughly called from a distance. As Jungkook and I walked closer I saw my dad on our front porch seething with anger. "Um I g-gotta go." I stammered, unable to stabilize my voice. "Ok, uh I'll see you on Monday then." Jungkook spoke and quickly waved bye to me. I walked up the porch steps to my house reluctantly. On the other hand my father glared so hard, burning holes into the back of Jungkook's head. "You know I've told you to stay away from that boy." My father says in a dark tone. "B-but he's my best friend papa." I whisper. He moved closer to me and said lowly, "I don't care what he is to you, I don't like how close he is to you. Disobey me again and you won't like what I'll do." I gulped, nodding my head in obedience. "O-ok papa." I whispered meekly.

"Dear heavenly father, give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen." I mumbled following after my parents voices. I've memorized this prayer among many others and it's been apart of our daily routine ever since I was a young child. "Thank you for your lovely cooking mama." I complimented the older lady sitting beside me. "Thank you dear." She replied warmly. I tuned out my parents' conversation and focused on the Japchae in front of me. Staring off I imagine this scenario I'm in however I'm all grown. I imagine me at 30 something with a wife and kids around the dinner table saying a prayer before we eat. Thinking about it makes me kind of sick for some reason. There's nothing wrong with that life yet I can't seem to picture myself in that lifestyle. "Jimin!" Quickly I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes sir?" I politely replied. "Your mom was asking you a question." My father answered in an annoyed tone. "Sorry mama, may you repeat your question?" I ask gently. "It's fine, I just wanted to know what's up with you. Do you have a girlfriend or anything? You're going to be an adult soon we need to prepare you for marriage." My mother says nonchalantly. "I'm sorry what?" I ask in disbelief. "You heard your mother. Matter of fact we know a couple of promising young ladies at the church that are great matches for you." My father said butting in the conversation. How do they know what a great match for me is? "O-oh." Was all I could reply.

                                                   ^Jimin's aesthetic and look in the story^

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^Jimin's aesthetic and look in the story^

                                               ^ Jungkook's aesthetic and look in the story ^

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^ Jungkook's aesthetic and look in the story ^

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