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Colossians 3:13 "As the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive." ...How can I forgive this?

    I know Jungkook is upset with me. The disappointment on his face was clear as day. He's sad because I didn't want to talk to him or walk home with him. I just couldn't bring myself to talk or be near anyone at that moment. And I still feel the same way. Fortunately my father was with my mom at the church because they are helpers there. So as soon as I got home, I immediately broke down. I couldn't even fathom how someone can do that to another person. It's not like I could tell my parents or the school staff because they wouldn't believe me. They wouldn't believe that an angelic christian boy could ever do that. All I can do is keep it to myself.
   Unfortunately today is Wednesday, and I have to go to school. I really don't want to have to face Yoongi or his friends. Nor do I want to face Jungkook today. I don't know what it was but entering the school felt different. Not a good kind of different though. The school was a small, christian boy's school so there weren't a ton of students. With that small amount, everyone knows each other so things spread around quickly. Walking to my locker, I feel an intensity in my chest. Anxiety builds up from my gut, spreading to my chest. Looking around, I see everyone's eyes on me. Some were looks of disgust, others had looks of amusement.  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I quickly turn back to my locker. To busy putting away my belongings, I didn't notice my best friend next to me.  "Jimin. We need to talk right now." Jungkook tells me. His expression was serious meaning that he wasn't joking around. "O-ok what is it?" I ask , scared of his answer.  "No. I mean in private. Just meet me in the bathroom near the library."  I watched the younger walk away. What is happening today? I don't like any of this, not one bit. closing my locker I hold my essentials in my arms and hurry off to the bathroom. This bathroom wasn't used very often because of the rumors of it being haunted, which deterred many from using it. That worked in our favor though, because Jungkook and I often would hang out in here. And it was not haunted. 
  "Jimin what the hell is this?" Confused, I watch as the taller pulls out his phone. He faces the screen towards me and my face falls. Panic fills my body as tears pool in my eyes. Why did he have that?   "Where did you get that?" My voice trembled when I speak.  "This is circulating around on Instagram and twitter. Supposedly it came from this gay porn account on Twitter. Please explain because that is clearly you."  Jungkook showed me a video of when Yoongi forced me to suck him off. That coward cut himself out of the video and only showed me. Why would he do this? Not only did he assault me, he recorded and posted it.  "Jungkook, Yoongi was the one who told me to do that. He forced himself on me and threatened me if I didn't. I had no idea that he recorded it." My voice was shaking allot and my tears already spilled from my eyes.  "What? When?"  Sniffling, I tell him. "Yesterday. That's why I was being distant. I was traumatized and upset so I didn't want to talk or be near anyone."  Jungkook's eyes softened before he pulled me into a hug. We stood there as I sobbed into his chest.  "I'm so sorry chim. I wish I was there to protect you." He tells me with a soft voice, his head resting on top of my head.

    "Are you sure that you'll be fine by yourself?" He asks again. I nod yes , with an annoyed expression.  "Alrighty then. I'll see you later chim." Jungkook says before leaving for his other class. Honestly I don't think I'll be fine by myself. Jungkook has been by my side this whole time up until now. I know he's worried about me, but I can't hold him back and make him late. It's just scary because no matter where I go, I feel people's eyes on me constantly. That also isn't helping my anxiety calm down at all. I feel like I am gonna have a panic attack any second now.
   "May I go to the bathroom Mr. Choi?" I ask and he nods yes. I don't really have to use the bathroom. I just need to breathe because I'm on the urge of breaking down any minute now. Going into the bathroom my breath hitches. Yoongi and his two best friends, Hoseok and Namjoon, are chilling and smoking. Quickly, I try to walk out before they see me, but I'm too late. I feel the back of my shirt collar being pulled back. Their laughs echo in the room when I collapse on the cold tile, from being thrown.  "Jiminie, you came back for more?" Yoongi taunts, scanning me up and down.  Sitting up on my knees I beg, "N-no p-please no. I'm b-begging you, please n-no." They all being to laugh maniacally.  "Awww how nice, you said please. Look, you're even on your knees already, what a slut you are. I bet you want all three of us to take you. Don't you Jimin." He sneered, his eyes were cruel and borderline psychotic.  "You two, grab one of his arms." Frantically I shake my head no at his words. Seeing Yoongi take off his belt, I begin to freak out. Jerking my body around I try to free myself but I couldn't, their grips were too strong. Yoongi tugs down my uniform bottoms and I scream.  "Shut up!" He yells, wrapping his hand around my neck, squeezing.  "Listen here faggot. This is what you deserve alright. You deserve this!" Those were the last words I remembered, because I had blacked out.

A.N~  This chapter makes me cry😭. My poor baby.

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