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Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." 

    "I haven't realized how long its been. We've been here for almost a week now." Hearing that my eyes almost pop out of their sockets. Time feels so slow these days, I never thought to track our time here. "Really?" I ask and he nods his head.  "Usually food lasts a bit longer, but there's two of us here right now so we ran out faster. We'll have to go to the market near here. Then I can make lunch." I nod heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Taehyung left some clothes for me on the bathroom counter. He gave me a black t-shirt and a long sleeve black and white striped shirt to go underneath. My pants were just a plain pair of blue jeans that required me to wear a belt.  "You look adorable. Can I take a picture?" Taehyung asks when I step out of the bathroom. Every time he compliments me it's so hard for me to accept it.  "Sure." I tell him, agreeing on one picture.  

    "Look, you're so cute

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    "Look, you're so cute." He took the picture using a polaroid camera that he had laying around here. Pouting I mumble, "I'm not cute." When looking at the picture I couldn't help but notice the plumpness of my cheeks. Noticing my somber expression he cups my cheeks, facing me towards him.  "There is nothing wrong with that picture nor your face. You're perfect ok." His stare was serious when he gazed into my eyes. He does this whenever he wants me to really understand that he's being dead serious. I turn my eyes down avoiding the dark brown orbs that bore into mine. He redirected my face again and spoke calmly, "Jimin-ah, look at me." Although his tone wasn't harsh, but there was an undertone of dominance that provoked me into submitting. So slowly I raise my eyes again to meet his. The difference between staring into his eyes and staring into Yoongi's or my father's is the fact that I know he will never hurt me. In his eyes there is an underlying sense of warmth and safety that forces my trust in him. Even with the exuding dominance it doesn't terrify me like the others because it's not an evil kind. "Repeat after me, I am beautiful." The taller lets go of my face so I could talk. Instead his hands land on my hips, having a gentle grip on them.  "I-I am b-beautiful." I repeat shakily.  "I am loved." He adds.  "I... I am loved."  "And I am special." Tears well in my eyes as I repeat,  "I am special." I felt the salty warmth of my tears gliding down my smooth skin. Taehyung's eyes swarmed with concern seeing my damp cheeks.  "Baby, why're crying?" My body became engulfed by the taller's strong arms. The musky yet somewhat minty scent of everything that is Taehyung wraps around me bringing me great comfort.  "I just can't believe how good you are to me. I-It's overwhelming. Sometimes it's hard to handle this amount of love. I'm sorry." I ramble, trying my best to explain my feelings.  "It's ok, I understand. You don't have to be sorry, there's nothing for you to be sorry about bub."  "Ok." I say softly.  "We gotta go because it's already lunch time." Randomly a thought popped in my head,  "Wait, Tae. How are we going to get to the market?" I ask.  "This town is small so it won't take too long if we walk."  "But what about the groceries?" I inquire.  "We will only need a few things it'll be fine so don't worry too much." He reassures me, reaching his hand down to mine, lacing them together.  "Alright let's go."

    Like Taehyung said it didn't take us long to walk to the market. We only grabbed a shopping basket instead of a whole cart. Taehyung said we didn't need too much just the essentials. Pacing up and down between different aisles we grabbed items that we deemed necessary for basic survival. We grabbed instant nice, ramyeon packs, kimchi, etc. With all of our groceries, we brought them to the register. Taehyung was too busy paying at the register, he didn't notice my discomfort. Oddly the whole time we spent in the market I got an odd chill down my spine. That chilling tingle you get when you have a feeling someone is watching you. That suspicion came to be true when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Turning around there stood an older lady, perhaps she was in her early 40's.  "Excuse me, I don't want to bother you but I can't help but notice how familiar you look. There has been a family that posted in the newspaper that their son is missing. And if I can recall, you look quite similar to the picture they attached. I believe they said his name is Park Jimin." My heart sank with every word she spoke. I'm sure I looked insane with how wide my eyes got. 'Oh my God, what do I do?'  "Um... there are so many Park Jimins. I'm sure you just got me confused for someone else who probably shares allot of the same features as me. It's nice for your concern though." I gave her the best smile I could muster. She gazed at me some more, eyes narrowed and scanning my whole appearance. Feeling extremely uncomfortable I turn back around to face Taehyung.  "Alright Jimin, lets go." He says and I squeeze my eyes shut in frustration. 'Damn, he said my name.'  "So you are Jimin. Is that the person who kidnapped you?" The lady behind me asks, motioning to Taehyung.  "Jimin, what is she talking about?" The taller had his arms crossed, eyebrows lowered into a furrow. Feeling small all of a sudden with eyes glaring down at me from all around us I start to panic.  "I'm calling the police, stay here please." She states, taking out her phone. The cashier turns to us, "What is happening?" She asks, confusion written all over her features.  "I-I don't know, b-but I gotta go." I stutter out grabbing Taehyung's hand. Pulling him I run out of the market. We hear both the cashier and lady yelling out for us.  "Jimin, our groceries." Taehyung reminds me, trying to stop my running.  "I-I can't. Forget about it. We have to re-locate back. They'll have to kill me if they want me back."

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