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Luke 6:27  "And be good to everyone who hates you." ...  But it's hard to be kind to evil

     Look at him trying to act like such a good boy. That's how he always is when adults are around, he's so two faced. When there aren't any authority around he's such a demon. It's insane how one can switch faces in a span of two seconds. I know God says not to hate anybody but this boy is an exception. Everyday him and his friends taunt me. They were the ones who made up and spread those rumors about me. He is the main one that starts those things though, which is why I hate him. His friends just follow anything he tells them to do and believe.        "Dang you're glaring at him hella hard." The boy next to me states suddenly. I was so far gone into my thoughts, I forgot Taehyung was next to me.  "Oh, I was just um daydreaming." My excuse didn't seem to convince the boy enough.   "Really? You didn't have that daydream type of zoned out look. Your eyes were locked in, glaring at that boy over there. Y'all got beef or something?" Taehyung asks with a half kidding tone.  "I guess you can call it beef, but I don't really want to get into it." I avoided the taller's eyes, as they were always slightly intimidating.  "But why? I thought we were friends, you can tell me."  And there he goes again with the friends thing. We barely know each other, why is he always so pushy and stubborn?  Looking up I see the desperate look in the other's eyes, making me want to give in.  "Do you really want to know?" I ask, and the boy eagerly shakes his head yes.   "Fine but I won't go into too many details. But basically he was the main person to start rumors about me and other things." Taehyung makes a confused expression after hearing my words. "I would've never guessed. He looks so innocent-" "Innocent my rear end, he's literally anything but that. That boy is pure evil." Just thinking about him makes me sick to my stomach.   "Why don't you just say ass?" The taller boy asks, with an amused look.   "Pardon me?" I was genuinely puzzled by his question.   "You said rear end, why not just say ass?" He clarified, grinning at my confusion.  "Oh, I don't curse." The boy's eyes widened in shock at my declaration.   "What do you mean? Like, you've never said a curse word before?" He asks, still shook.  "No I have. Only a few times, like less than 5 times." I tell him with an indifferent tone.    "Damn, what are you a saint? I feel like a demon next to you."  Giggling at his words, I shake my head no.  "I'm not a saint. If anything I think I'm an angel, at least that's what my best friend tells me." I say, recalling the amount of times Jungkook has referred to me as an angel. The boy leans in, eyes scanning my face. Him being that close to me made my heart want to jump out of my chest. He was just so intense, but in a good way.  "I can see that." Was what he said after his analysis of my features. 

        "Wow Park

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        "Wow Park. I never knew you were like that."  That was the sound of the voice I hate. He hasn't harassed me in a while so I was at ease. I shouldn't have gotten so cocky, now look where that has gotten me.  "What are you talking about Yoongi?"  Min Yoongi, the most evil person I know, besides my father. He is the one that makes me fear coming to school, and being myself.   "I didn't know you were a whore. Does your dear Jungkookie know that you are being a cock slut for other men?" He taunts, coming closer to me wearing a sinister smirk on his face.  "What?" My confusion making the other chuckle darkly.  "Oh don't act all clueless now baby Jiminie. I saw you with that new boy at church. Looks like you guys get along quite well, right?" He gets even closer, pushing me into the nearest bathroom. To my dismay the bathroom was empty. I wish Jungkook was here to protect me, but his next class is on the other side of school. That's why he couldn't walk to class with me. So here I am now, waiting for the devil's next move.   "Why so silent? You afraid that I know you so well?"  I frantically shake my head no at his question.  "You're so fucking pathetic. I bet you want me to, don't you?" He spits, pushing me down onto the cold, tiled floor.  "N-no, I don't w-want you." I stutter out, timidly looking up at him.   "Liar. I know how people like you work. Now get up onto your knees." He commands, with a stone cold expression.  Hesitantly I follow his orders, not wanting to be attacked.  "I need a bit of relief before going to class. And sadly I just finished my pack of cigs, so that's not an option right now." The boy explains before unzipping his pants.   "W-why are you unzipping y-your pants?"  He looks down at me with a crazed look in his eyes before saying, "Shh, just do what I say or you won't like the consequences."  I stayed quiet after that, I definitely didn't want to face the consequences he has in store. He then grabs my jaw, forcing it open and then shoving his length there. Gagging, tears cloud my vision as he mercilessly thrusts in my throat. What did I do to deserve this? I hate this life.

 What did I do to deserve this? I hate this life

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A.N~ Yes, Yoongi is the bad guy sadly. But lets be clear that our Suga bear would never do something like this in real life. Anyways, hope you love this update. xoxo

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