There will be sensitive topics portrayed in the story. Also this story is not supposed to be made to hate on any religion or anything it's simply a fictional story. This is purely fiction so any evil and wrong behavior portrayed...
Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."...My whole life I've given myself to you and I'm still mistreated.
While helping my mother finish setting up the table the door bell rang. "Jimin finish while I get the door." My mother orders, scurrying off to greet the guests. "Hello, I'm glad you guys could make it." She says with a cheery tone, a bright smile on her face. Rolling my eyes, I scoff silently. My mother is so two-faced. This woman was just yelling at me to clean when the house was already spotless. "Come on in and sit down. The food is ready." She ushers them inside. Just then my father makes himself present, curtly greeting our guests. Softly I greet Mr. and Mrs. Kim. "Hey friend." The youngest Kim spoke, his baritone voice scaring me. "Hey Taehyung." I reply awkwardly. "This tastes wonderful Seolhee-ssi." Mrs. Kim compliments. "I agree mom." Taehyung adds grinning, making a light blush appear on my mother's face. "Oh my, Jiyeon-ah! You've got yourself such a polite and handsome man. I bet all the ladies want him. He's so charming." My mother praised the boy from across the table. "Thank you Mrs. Park but I have to say, you and Mr. Park have made a beautiful creation yourself." The boy next to me says and glances at me with a smile. His words made me hot and a blush appeared on my cheeks not going unnoticed from my father. "Taehyung you are such a lovely young man, I'm sure you have a girlfriend right?" My father added, sneaking a glare at me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, avoiding my father's judging eyes. "No, I don't have a girlfriend. I want to just focus on my studies right now. Plus we just moved here so I don't know anyone besides Jimin yet." The other boy justified, my father nodding in understanding. As the grown-ups conversed, Taehyung turned his attention towards me. "Sadly I won't be going to the same school as you." "Why is that sad?"I question his statement. "Well, you are my only friend and now I'll be completely alone." He explained. "Oh. I understand but you seem like a bright person, I'm sure you won't have much trouble making plenty of friends." I assure him with a small smile. "Do you have allot of friends?" I frown at his question. "No. I have one best friend named Jungkook though." "How come you don't have many friends? If you don't mind me asking, you seem like a sweet person." Taehyung inquires sincerely, analyzing my face. "I don't really know. I just know that people assume allot of things about me that aren't necessarily true." I explain, avoiding eye contact. "Like what?" He asks, leaning closer to me. "You ask allot of questions. Why are we talking about me? What about you, hmm? Did you have allot of friends at your old school?" I counter his questions. "I ask many things because I'm a naturally a curious person. Plus I want to get to know you so we can be closer friends, you know?" The taller male expresses. I nod, letting him continue. "And in my old school I was pretty cool with everyone for the most part, but I did have my set of close friends." "You're lucky." I say, my tone slightly bitter. "You still didn't tell me what people assume about you." Taehyung reminds me with a smirk. "Just forget about it." I mumble, causing the boy to roll his eyes. "Just tell me, it can't be that bad." Taehyung pleaded. Heaving a deep sigh, I give in. "Fine but if you don't want to be my friend anymore just know I warned you." "Whatever, just say it." He pressed, gazing at me with curious eyes. "Well, one assumption people have is that I'm stuck up and my family life is perfect which it's far from perfect. But that's not the worst one. P-people think that I like b-boys." I whispered, closing my eyes afraid to see my friend's expression. "That's it?" The boy in front of me dead pans. Opening my eyes slowly, I see his bored expression. "What do you mean that's it?" I ask with wide eyes. "What I mean is that's nothing. If you're gay I think that's cool-" "I'm not gay, no definitely not!" I sputtered, interrupting the boy. Taehyung chuckled at my response. "Hey, what is funny? I-I'm not." The other boy still looked at me with an amused face. "Jimin why are you stuttering then? Listen, personally I don't care just be yourself." He tells me, shrugging his shoulders. "It doesn't matter 'cause I'm not." I say, still attempting to defend myself. "Whatever you say Jiminie."
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How Tae looked at the dinner^
A.N~ Thank you to everyone who reads this story. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, xoxo