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Romans 12:2 "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

His words sent a wave of shock that crashed, coursing throughout my whole body. That shock quickly turned into panic and my thoughts became too much, overflowing my mind. Over thinking is one of my specialties. My brain was hurling all kinds of harmful images and words in my head. I could already feel a headache forming, excruciating throbs of pain occurring behind my eyes. What if he's playing a trick on me? Why would he want someone like me? Broken, used, impure. I'm not even pretty. Looks don't mean everything but my personality is too drab for someone like him. I won't be able to entertain him, he'll eventually get bored of me. Peering up at the boy, I take in the desperate expression he wore. It seems genuine enough, however a large part of me still doesn't want to trust anything even Taehyung. "Taehyung-ah I-I don't know. A part of me says yes because I really like you and you've been there for me without fail. I really enjoy your presence and the happiness you bring me. However, another part of me is saying this isn't a good idea. I just have a bad feeling and I don't know how to be in a relationship. Since I haven't been given love basically my whole life until now, I don't really know how to give nor receive it. Also, I clearly have a ton of things I need to sort out. My mental health is completely screwed, I don't want to hurt you." My explanation was long, but that's how I truly feel. Scanning his face to gauge his reaction there wasn't much to read. I caught a glimpse of discouragement and sorrow but it was swiftly blinked away. His expression then remained utterly vacant. "I understand. You're right I shouldn't have rushed this. Maybe when we're both fully ready." This is not what I wanted. The silence was deafening and awkward. It makes me want to curl up and bawl my eyes out. I feel like our relationship is ruined now, he won't even look at me. He said that it's ok but I don't know. "Taehyung I'm sorry." There's a period of silence again that lasts for almost a minute before he speaks. "Why should you be sorry?" He was facing away from me, his head cradled by his own large hands. His tone wasn't harsh and I thought maybe he was crying but his voice didn't show any signs. "I... I just don't want to make you angry at me or hurt your feelings." Finally he gazes at me with a pained grin. "Don't worry about that. It sucks to get rejected but it was a good reason why. Even without a reason I can't be mad because it's your decision. All I need is some space, just for a bit, not too long." I could tell he put an emphasis on the 'not too long' because he knows my tendency to over think. "Ok, thank you for explaining." What do I do now?

After Taehyung told me that he needed space, I just went to sleep. It was nighttime anyways and I didn't know what else to do. I guess after the long fiasco of explaining our traumas and feeling took a toll on me in every aspect. Right now I was the only one awake. Taehyung was seemingly fast asleep, his breathing was steady and deep. Grazing the place with my eyes, my attention turned to one object. I've been avoiding using it for these past few days, too afraid to know what people are saying. Pushing my fear away I make my way to the object, hands shaking when lifting it up. I've never felt so much terror when using my phone, but there's a first for everything. My heart sank when the screen lit up. There were a ton of missed calls and messages. Most of them coming from Jungkook.

Kookie ~ Jimin, how come you didn't come to school today?

Kookie~ Your parents came to school today. They've reported you as missing they also mentioned a boy named Taehyung? Who is he?

Kookie~ Today they took me in for questioning because I'm the closest to you.

Kookie~ Where are you Jiminie hyung, I miss you.

Kookie~ Are you ok? Did someone take you. Please let me know if you're alright.

Me~ I'm ok.

Kookie~ Oh my god! Please call me, I need to hear your voice.

The boy exclaims, texting back almost instantly. Without hesitation I press the call option. It didn't ring for long due to the other being quick to answer. "Hyung!" He cried out. Hearing the boy's voice felt so bizarre. Anything outside of the cabin felt like a distant memory. Hearing Jungkook's voice snapped me out of the haziness that I've experienced being here, pulling me back into reality. "Hyung! I miss you so much!" Without realizing warm wetness slid down my slightly sunken cheeks. "J-Jungkook I-" My voice came out broken and incredibly shaky. I couldn't help the violent tremors that rippled throughout my figure causing the phone to almost fall out of my hand. "I-I m-miss y-you t-too." Trying not to wake Taehyung up I use my free hand to cover my mouth as dense sobs rock through it. I didn't expect to feel such intense emotion while hearing him. It just hit me the reality of this situation just hit me and I don't know what to do. Suddenly, I want to return to my life before, where everything is normal. Go back to what I'm used to, but it's too late.

A.N~ I'm sorry for not updating any of my stories in a while. I am just really busy with school and life things plus writing takes allot of my brain power. I want to write all the time but my body won't allow it and my mind doesn't always feel like executing all of the ideas I have. And I could just rush to write whatever but I want quality over quantity. I don't want to give you guys trash, lol. Anyways, I have a new story I'm publishing most likely today. It's vmin and it's called 'Above all else'.

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