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  Romans 15:1  "We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves."

Song: Put your head on my shoulder~ Paul Anka

🎶 Put your head on my shoulder, Hold me in your arms baby------Squeeze me oh so tight, Show me that you love me too🎶                                                                                                                                                 I don't know how he did it, but somehow he convinced me to dance with him. This daze of carefreeness and exhilaration could be the answer. A sweet tune plays from Taehyung's phone. I should of known the boy had an old soul. He reeks of the vintage aesthetic and I often find myself admiring it. Taehyung placed his hands on my waist after guiding my arms around his neck. We swayed to the old melody, moving together as one. I could've never imagined doing this with anyone, especially not this fast or easily. There's just something about the other boy that brings out my child-like and energetic side that's usually locked away. It feels liberating when you don't have to constantly walk on egg shells everywhere you go. When I'm here with him I don't have to fret about slipping up. Eyes feeling heavy, I close them and place my head on his chest as we still rocked side to side. The atmosphere was absolutely incredible. There was no light besides the soft, radiant twinkle of the fairy lights. Moonlight streamed through the rectangular windows, cascading a silver light onto our features. It was a bit chilly in the room, however the closeness of our bodies generated a comforting warmth. His deep voice sent chills down my spine as he sang the lyrics in my ear. This was all too much.  Life doesn't feel real right now. It's like I'm in a dream and I'll wake up to the harsh reality of my life any moment now. I feel overwhelmed by everything , why am I being shown so much love and tenderness? Taehyung who essentially is not a family member has shown more concern for me than anyone else has. We haven't known each other for too long, yet he has always been there. Honestly, I feel so undeserving of this. Nothing is special about me so it puzzles me as to why he cares so much. "Are you asleep Min?" I deny, shaking my head no.  "M' just tired." After my reply I was soon lifted from the ground and placed down onto the bed gently. Too far gone, I allowed myself to be swaddled in thick covers. The fluff of the blanket tickled my nose, making my face scrunch up.  "Where will you sleep Taehyung-ah?" I ask, half-asleep.  "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable so I'll sleep on the arm chair near that wall."  Smiling, I mumble  "You're so nice to me. I don't know why though, no one's ever nice to me. Well except for Kookie." I giggle at my own half conscience nonsense. He's so considerate, constantly thinking about how I'm feeling. I appreciate that he gives me space so that I'm always comfortable.  "Thank you Tae, I owe you so much."  "You're speaking nonsense, you don't owe me anything. Relax and go to sleep ok."    "M'kay." I mutter. Black dots clouded my vision before I officially fell asleep.                                                "Fucking slut! You look so good on my cock, don't you think." Sobs wracked my whole body. So much pain, so much agony. The prickling feeling spread from my entrance to my entire figure like a virus. Helpless, I couldn't do anything to stop the tormenting of my once pure entity. A part of me dies as I'm constantly reminded of the torture I've been through.  "Stop! Yoongi I'm begging you, please." I was hyperventilating and dry heaving, a nauseating ball crawled up my insides. He repeatedly slammed into me relentlessly, utterly disregarding my pleas for him to stop. The pain was unreal, I couldn't even began to describe exactly how it feels. I think the closest description is being torn open. It feels like my insides are being ripped to shreds repeatedly. "Stop squirming bitch!" He screams so hard tiny droplets of his saliva splat onto my face. Rough fingers latched onto my neck, squeezing tremendously tight. Gasping for air I attempt to pry his large hands off, but his grip was too powerful. Suddenly Yoongi let go, everything around me deteriorated. Glancing around, I recognized the change of scenery to be my home. I trudge up the steps, halfway there the sound of someone calling my name could be heard in the distance. Turning I'm met face to face with the irate expression of my father. The brutal strike of his heavy hand was brought upon my cheek, knocking me back. A scream erupted from the back of my throat. Everything hurt, my back, my face, my heart.  "P-papa why? I did n-nothing wrong!" I managed to wail. In turn that move caused me more harm.            "Jimin! Min! Wake up." Panic surged up my body like electric bolts. Frantically I writhe away from the hands that attempted to grab at me.  "Get away from me!" I wail, kicking at the air. "Jimin open your eyes! It's just me." Hearing his voice I finally peel open my eyes. Panting, my chest heaved up and down rapidly as I tried to catch my breath. Peering around I was relieved to see that I was still in the cabin not my house or that wretched janitor's closet. Taehyung sat crouched down in front of me, an apparent mien of distress written on his features. His hands reached out to hold me, but I rejected the gesture. Scooting back, I push myself so that I'm leaning against the farthest side of the bed near the wall.  "I'm not here to harm you Jimin, why are you moving away from me?" The hurt crackled in his voice, making me feel a sliver of guilt. Fat tears gushed from the inner corners of my eyes. I couldn't speak, I only sat there curled up into myself. A wave of sorrow crashed my mind causing my head to throb in pain. Taehyung sat back in the arm chair, his eyes trained on me.  "Fine Jimin, I won't push you to talk but tomorrow we have to have a conversation. That's all I ask." 


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A.N~ My baby had a nightmare :( . Hopefully you love this chapter. xoxo

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