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Samuel 15:23, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king."

    Anxiety crashes in waves, flooding my nerves like a tsunami. I've been following the taller for some time now and we still haven't reached our destination yet. Unspoken doubts race on a track that is my brain making me more jittery. Strangely the boy hasn't said much during our travels which is slightly weirding me out. Usually he is low-key a chatter box that talks non-stop. I'm someone who basks in silence, finding great comfort in being alone. However, this silence isn't comforting it's rather awkward.  "Taehyung, where are we going?" I huff, getting tired of the continuous walking.  "You'll see, be patient." I bet my parents are going insane by now. They're going to be livid and it makes me terrified to go back home. Watch if I check my phone there is going to be hundreds of messages and missed calls. It won't be about their concern for my safety or anything like that. Plus if I check it, it's bound to make me even more regretful about this than I am right now. Why did I agree to this in the first place? When I go home I'm undoubtedly going to be punished.                                                                                                                                "We're here!" Taehyung exclaims. We stopped in front of a cabin house. Surrounding us were trees; lush and bright green. The air was noticeably fresher and clean. This place is located a  little bit astray from the main city so it makes sense that there is an abundance of nature here.  "Who's cabin is this?" I ask, looking at the boy.  "It was my grandparents'. They gave it to my parents, but I'm the one who usually comes here." Pulling out a rustic looking key, he unlocks the unpainted wooden door. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. On the inside it wasn't super large or anything however, I personally enjoyed the coziness of the size. Not only that, but the decorations created such a comforting and safe ambiance. Instantly, I felt at home. A warm smile bloomed on my face as I toured the space. The fairy lights that were strung across different parts of the room twinkled the perfect amount of light. There was a full sized bed in the corner, multiple fluffy blankets and pillows arranged on it beautifully. A portion of the space was dedicated to a kitchenette which had a mini fridge, oven etc. All in all it was perfect, for me at least.  "Wow. Taehyung-ah this is gorgeous." I dreamily express, admiring the wall full of polaroid pictures.  "You're smiling so much. I would've never thought I'd see you smile so much." Taehyung comments, standing next to me. He's right, it feels like ages since I've smiled genuinely. "It's just so beautiful here. It feels magical." I sigh happily. Turning to my right I catch Taehyung staring at me intently like he was admiring art. Bashfully I mutter, "What?"  "What do you mean what?" He asks feigning oblivion.  "You were staring at me." I explain even though I was aware that he already knew.  "You're just really pretty." His words came out simple and blunt.  "Aish, why would you say that?" I whine, covering my face the best I could with my small hands.  "You're blushing." The taller points out prying my hands away from my face.  "Oh my goodness." I turn away from him feeling very flustered by his boldness.  "We should go outside while the sun is still out, get some vitamin D." Nodding, I follow him. He led me to the backyard which was an open field. It was stunning, green grass adorned with an assortment of pretty wild flowers. Each plant so unique to it's kind. Feeling an urge I follow my instinct. Letting my feet take control, I ended up running around the open area like a child. Carefree can describe how I felt. Just a light breeze zipping through my dark brown locks, my mind blank. Only the image of the bright baby blue sky and emerald green grass filling my brain. I just ran aimlessly, no specific direction or pattern to my movement. Free is what this is. I feel like the child innocence is back in me, only if it's just for this moment. Baby Jimin would've loved to do this.  "Jimin-ah!" Taehyung called out for me.  I look back to see him with a vintage camera in his large hands.  "Let's have a photoshoot. It's perfect timing since the sun is still so bright."  I pouted at his suggestion.  "I-I don't know Taehyung-ah. Pictures aren't really my thing, plus I look fat and my cheeks are to chubby. I already know the pictures will turn out really ugly so-"  "Stop it! Please stop putting yourself down. You are none of those things my sweet Jimin. Have you looked at yourself? You're literally the most gorgeous person I've seen in my life. I'm not even being dramatic or dishonest. If I didn't think these things, I definitely wouldn't  have asked to take your pictures." He states, cutting off my rambling. I've never heard such nice things being said to me, so it's weird especially since the person is extremely attractive as well.  "What do you say?" I look down, still indecisive.  "Trust me, you'll love it. All you have to do is act normal and pretend like I'm not here." The boy coaxes, his genuine gentleness making me weak.  "O-ok." Like he said, I just did whatever and eventually I forgot that I was the subject to photography. "I'm done. Look what did I say, they came out absolutely stunning."  Peeking at the pictures he held, I found myself smiling a tad at the outcome. To my surprise the boy was a really talented photographer. Another surprise is these were probably the only pictures I don't hate of myself. "T-they're beautiful. Thank you Taehyung-ah." He shined his famous boxy smile before saying a quick 'no thank you'. Admiring the boy I watched in awe as the sun showered him, making his honey skin gleam.  "You wanna play tag?" The bigger boy asks with a look that told me he wasn't joking. My first thought was we're 18 years old, but who am I kidding tag sounds hella fun. Even though there's only two of us, that's all we need.  "You're it!" I yell suddenly, tapping his shoulder. His expression was perplexed yet it melted into determination. Swiftly I run in the opposite direction of where we stood, him bolting right after me. We both were pretty fast however he still caught up to me. I blame it on the fact that his legs are longer. Once he got into my proximity, he sped closer. Unexpectedly my feet were no longer on the ground. Taehyung had me bridal style, arms supporting my weight.  "Put me down, I must be too heavy." I whine, embarrassed by my weight.  "You are as light as a feather. In fact you should probably eat more." At this moment my mind is hazy, not used to so much serotonin. I am so immersed in this moment it's like all of my worries were melted away. Like the only people that exist right now is Taehyung and I.                                                                                                                    "Taehyung I don't want to go home." I whisper, my voice barely audible. The boy looks up in deep thought. After a moment his gaze is on mine again, our eyes locked, "Then don't." 

The Photoshoot ~

The Photoshoot ~

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