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        "Park Jimin your parents are here to pick you up." It's like everything froze in place in that moment. I haven't even thought of my parents so just the mentioning of them gives me deep chills. Chills so bad that my whole body is visibly shaking. All kinds of ghastly images invade my mind causing a vile feeling to stir in the pits of my stomach. Suddenly, a wave of nausea crashed inside of me which prompted me to shoot out of my seat and rush to the nearest toilet. I ignored everyone who called out to me and continued on to the restroom. Dropping to my knees I allowed my system to empty itself which was really not much but stomach acid. It was a painful and gut wrenching experience. When there is nothing to throw up it hurts 10 times more, it's nothing but dry heaving.  "Jimin hyung!" Jungkook's voice was heard echoing off the bathroom walls, startling me. His hand caressed my back in an attempt to comfort me while I violently heaved into the toilet bowl. "Here use this to wipe your mouth." He handed me a damp paper towel and I took it with a thank you. Turning one of the faucets on to cold water, I used it to cleanse the vile taste in my mouth as much as I possibly could using only water.  "What happened back there?" He asked with wide eyes.  "I just... I just got really anxious. I-I really don't want to go back home." I tell him. Usually I keep my toxic home life private, even from Jungkook, however now that I have to go back after being away for so long feels impossible.  "Why? Is something gonna happen? I've never seen you so spooked, besides the Yoongi situation." I gulp, conjuring up a way to explain in the most concise way.  "Jungkook my parents are awful, mainly my father. I've never told you about the things he's put me through because it's truly appalling, but just know that if I go back I may not make it out alive."  I watch the boy's jaw drop in disbelief.  "Wait wha-"  "There you are Jimin, come now your parents are waiting." One of the male nurses informed me, grabbing onto my forearm. Jungkook began to follow us, but the nurse stopped him.  "I'm sorry sir, but you cannot come."   "Blasphemy!" He shouted and ran up towards us. His arms wrapped around me into a bear grip embrace before he was yanked off by another staff. Tears stung my waterline as I was forced to keep going forward, unable to glance back at my bestfriend whose shouts could be heard from feet away.

        I didn't know what to expect when seeing my parents again, but it certainly wasn't this. The nurse had brought me into a waiting room looking place and there they were. If the nurse didn't have such an iron grip on me I could've passed out right there.  "Oh Jiminie, I'm so happy they found you. Come here." My mother said on the brink of tears. She looked convincing to any other person, however I knew she was acting. I hesitated to get near her until she forcibly brought me close into an awkward hug.  "Yes son, we're glad you're back." My father said with a smile that would be seen as loving to others, but his eyes told a different story.   

    The car ride was completely silent which increased the volume of my inner voice. There were thoughts about Jungkook and what will happen to Taehyung. Thoughts about the trial that's going to take place because Yoongi's parents and my parents are pressing charges against Taehyung. It's going to be nerve wracking when seeing Taehyung's parents in court as they are or were family friends. That is not going to be fun especially with all the shit they "have" against Taehyung. There is no point in bringing up the abuse I've suffered from both Yoongi and my father because I have no real evidence. The video that Yoongi took doesn't even show his face. I have scars from my father's abuse but I can't prove that they're from him. Either way Taehyung and I lose. I feel completely helpless. Anxiety was eating me alive and I could physically feel it from the way my body was reacting. I was still trembling and multiple parts of my body ached. The fact that no one was speaking just made me more anxious about stepping foot into that hell hole of a house.  We were close too. Just taking in the nostalgic scenery of our neighborhood and the street Jungkook and I would walk on for school makes me sick.

      My heartrate picked up it's pace at the sight of the steps that led into the hell hole. It took everything in me to not run for my life as soon as we exited the car. With a deep breath I followed them down the driveway and up the 3 wooden steps. Still nothing was spoken when the front door was unlocked and opened and all three of us entered. I'm always on high alert when around them, exclusively around my father which speaks volumes. This house reeks of danger which instantly triggers my fight or flight senses. Timidly I begin to walk up the stairs in hopes of just being able to chill in my room and gather my thoughts.  "Where are you going?" My mother asks, voice suspiciously calm.  "I- uh, I was just going t-to head to sleep." One corner of her lips turned up, forming a crooked smirk.  "Isn't it too early to knock out right now? I suggest we talk first, there's plenty to discuss." Shakily I walk back down the steps, unwarranted nerves coursing through my body. Like hell they only want to discuss things. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I died today. Though, it is rather strange that my father has yet to toss me across the room. It's making me more petrified to be frank.  "Come, sit." The older woman commands placidly. Once I sat down my father appeared and sat down on my right, my mother seated to my left. What in hell is going on? Why are they so calm? I don't like this at all.  "Jimin we will be attending a trial in the next few days because we decided that it was best to press charges on your kidnapper-"  "He was never my kidnapper, you know Taehyung was a good person. I ran away with him because I hate both of you-" A sharp, stinging sensation was struck upon the side of my face making me cry out.  "Don't you ever say shit like that! Just wait 'till after the damn trial. I can't leave bruises on you now but when it's over you'll have it comin' boy." Threatens my father in a baleful tone. "Go to your goddamn room and don't come out until it's time for the trial." He spits, breath ragged and uneven. My mother's expression hasn't moved once, completely impassive. Trembling, I attempt to escape the suffocating tension as swiftly as possible. 

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