New Friend

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Proverbs 27:9 "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul"...Maybe we could try this

Every Sunday morning it's the same thing. At 8 am sharp I'm awake putting on some type of formal clothes and brushing my hair extra neat. "Hurry up! What's taking so long?" I hear my dad yell from downstairs. Hurriedly I push my feet into my sleek, black dress shoes and basically fly down the steps. As soon as my feet leave the last step I'm attacked by mom. "Aigoo Jimin-ah, my handsome boy." She squeals pinching my cheeks. My face scrunches up in annoyance as I attempt to pry her hands off my face. "Ugh, you don't love me anymore." She pouts when I successfully get her to leave me alone. " I do love you, I just don't want your hands all over my face." I explain to the older lady.

I hate this place. The smell, the decor, and especially the people. There is one person I hate in particular though. Yes, I know GOD says you shouldn't hate anyone but this hate is justified. Shockingly we weren't headed to our normal seats. We were headed to a pew where a small family sat. "Hello Jiyeon-ssi. I'm glad you made it. Jiwoon-ah, Jimin-ah, this is my good friend Kim Jiyeon. That is her son and husband as well." My mom introduced excitedly. "Yes, I'm happy to finally see you again Seolhee-ssi, Jimin-ah I haven't seen you since you were like 3 years old. You've grown to be such a beautiful boy." She gushed pulling me into a tight embrace. "Thank you." I say simply. "Oh this is my son Taehyung. He is your age Jimin, so I hope you both become good friends." The whole time they spoke my head was down. However, when she mentioned her son my head popped up. I wished I hadn't looked up because his dark eyes bore into mine. "Hello, nice to meet you Jimin-ah." Hearing his deep and rich voice made my heart beat increase rapidly. "Nice to meet you too Taehyung-ssi." I practically whispered, bowing politely to avoid his lingering gaze. "Please, no need to be so formal." He gently whispered in my ear, causing shivers to run through my body. Noticing the glare my father sent our way, I quickly moved away from the taller boy. After the introductions we were ushered into the pews only to wait for the service to begin. While we waited, I could see our mothers chatting eagerly and our fathers conversing silently. The taller boy and I sat quietly only unspoken tension in the air. "You're a quiet one aren't you?" A baritone voice spoke next to my ear. Quickly I turn next to me watching the latter look at me knowingly. "That's not true." I denied hastily, only for the other to just smirk at me. "Well you haven't tried to talk to me yet." He replied, causing me to roll my eyes at his bold statement. "And why would I do that?" I retort sassily, glaring softly. "Ouch!" He said with mock hurt. "I thought we were friends." He says honestly, eyebrows raised. "I don't know you yet and you definitely don't know me." I say, my words coming out harsher than intended. Yet all he does is smile warmly at me. "You are hella sassy. I can get down with that." There he goes again with his weird statements. "Oh my gosh. You are something else." I tell him, facepalming mentally. "Shh, the service is starting." He shushs me and faces the front. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior, missing the smirk painted on his lips.
During the sermon my focus was nowhere near on the pastor. The whole time the boy next to me did everything in his power to distract me. Little things like poking my thigh or pulling my hair. "Stop!" I whispered through my teeth. "What? It's not like you're actually enjoying the sermon." He states cockily. "Actually I am, for your information." I lied just to prove him wrong. "I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're lying." My eyes widened. "How did you know?" I ask, genuinely surprised. "I don't, you just told on yourself." He said chuckling at my expression.

"Since we're seeing each other after a long while, you all must come over for dinner." I heard my mother propose to the other family. "Oh yes, it'll be our pleasure. Right Dowon-ah?" Her husband replied yes with a simple nod. "Great! You can come around 6 pm. Nice seeing you again, Jimin say bye to the Kims." My mother spoke , her tone with me contrasting with the Kims. "Goodbye Mrs.Kim. Goodbye Mr.Kim. Bye Taehyung." "Wow, all I get is a measly 'bye Taehyung'?" He teased me mocking my higher pitched voice. "Goodbye Taehyungie." I say again but in a sweeter tone, before quickly walking off.

                                                                      (Tae's vibe in the story)

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(Tae's vibe in the story)

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