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John 13:7 "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will you understand."

       He knows. That's all my brain registered throughout the day. Even last night I lost sleep over this fact. Someone finding out about my family's flaws was the last thing I would ever want to happen. Not even Jungkook knows and he's the closest person to me. I never told anyone about the continuous hell I experience at school either.  Too far into my own thoughts, I completely missed the foot that blocked the path to my desk. All of my belongings scattered across the floor as I fell onto my knees.  "Fucking faggot! So eager that you're on your knees. Well lemme set this straight. I don't like boys so I suggest you stay the fuck away from me, or I'll fuck you up." He sneered dangerously. My eyes were watery when I looked up at my classmate. Nothing but pure hatred and disgust resided in his brown orbs. He was the one who tripped me so why am I being punished? The world is so cruel and unfair. Why should I even deal with the struggles of living? All of my peers stared at my pain, doing absolutely nothing to help me. For a Christian school there are no traces of innocence nor purity. We learned about being a good samaratin yet everyone acts so damn oblivious. When the staff comes around, suddenly everyone is an angel. I can't stand seeing the worst people suck up to authority like they're saints.  "What? You can't get up now?" He barked, kicking my belongings farther away from me. It took everything in me to not break out into sobs. My classmate must've sensed it so he crouched down to my level.  "Aww is the little twink gonna cry? You're so pathetic." He was so close that I could feel little droplets of his saliva splat against my skin as he talked. Relief clouded me when he walked back to his seat. When glancing up, I noticed that our teacher just walked. That's the likely reason as to why he halted his behavior.  "Park Jimin! What happened?" Mr. Hwang asks. Before I could even say one word, I felt the eyes of the boy bore into my skull.  "O-oh, I just um fell. Nothing bad happened, I have to pick up my things is all." He hums in understanding at my explanation. I desperately wanted all the attention off of me so I scurried to collect all of my items, returning to my designated seat.

      I can't help the searing burn in my heart at the realization I had. Everything must be true. All of these ruthless, dagger-like words. I get it constantly everyday, multiple times a day so it must be the truth. What else could it be? That's the only logical answer. How else could God allow me to go through this torture? He must be punishing me for a reason. Jungkook didn't come to school today which means I'm left walking home alone.  Occupied on my cellphone I didn't notice the pair of eyes glued onto my every move.  I flinch at the sudden pressure on my shoulder. Whipping around, I'm met with a familiar pair of eyes.  

      "What the fuck Taehyung! Do not scare me like that!" I scream, on the verge of tears

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      "What the fuck Taehyung! Do not scare me like that!" I scream, on the verge of tears. I'm so petrified because I genuinely expected to be face to face with Yoongi's devilish smirk. Taehyung's smile quickly disintegrated into a look of devastation, as he hurried to pull me into an embrace. Strangely enough, I didn't pull away like I usually tend to do.  "I-I'm so sorry Jimin-ah. I forgot that you don't really like certain gestures." Sniffling, I shake my head. "No Taehyung it's fine-"   "It's not fine. If I want to really get to know you and be close, I have to learn your boundaries. My goal is to make you as comfortable and feel as loved as possible." He speaks gently, the grip on my smaller body just as tender.  "Why?" I ask, my voice muffled due to my face being buried in his chest.   "Because clearly no one else is giving you love, and I want to be that person. You always look so on edge and anxious. Your pretty face is constantly wearing a permanent frown and I want to change that." The whole time he spoke my brain was analyzing, trying to detect any hints of him being ingenuine. I'm known to over think so of course my mind was polluted with negativity, it is 24/7. However, something about Taehyung always makes me feel so safe and secure. Around him, I feel as though nothing can harm me.  "I still can't wrap my head around why anyone would care about me, but thank you." I begin to move away from him so that I could continue walking home, but I halt when I feel his hand grab mine.  "Taehyung I have to go.".  "Come with me." He commands but it sounds more like a plea.  "But, my father-" "Forget about him just for this moment." My words were cut off by his. I'm sure my thoughts were written on my expression because he quickly added, "Please." With the the sweetest look in his eyes.  "Fine." I huff, allowing him to lead me to wherever.

A.N~ Hopefully you love this chapter. xoxo

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