Chapter 4 - Tomato Head

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"Oh look, the pathetic little bitch is back," sneered Alyssa. She stood a few feet in front of me, in a short miniskirt, hot pink crop top, and black strappy stilettos. I rolled my eyes. Seriously, this is school, not a club.

One of Alyssa's minions scrunched up her nose. "Eww, is that loser stink I smell? It must becoming from you," she spat at me.

I sighed and closed my locker softly, trying not to make too much noise. I already had more than enough attention drawn towards me. 

"Good to see you too, Mean Bees." I turned to Alysaa. "We meet again, Satan. It's a shame that your cat eye still sucks acorn nuts. My offer for a tutorial still stands, you know."

Satan scoffed in disgust. "At least my face isn't as hideous as yours. I'd kill myself if I was ugly as you."

Ouch. Memories of my old school came storming back like a herd of buffalo, dragging the voices along with them. 

"Kill yourself, ugly bitch."

"Why are you still alive?"

"Nobody wants you here."

"Die, you fucking waste of space!"

A punch to the face as I fell against something, hitting my head against cool hard metal. Someone kicked my ribs as I was slumped against the lockers, causing a sharp pain to shoot throughout my body.

"If Raven died, I'd throw a fucking party."

"I hope you cut yourself deep enough to bleed to death."

"Kill yourself, you're worthless."

"All you do is make our lives miserable! Do us a favor and kill yourself."

However, thanks to the adrenaline and breathing meditation, the thoughts quickly passed. I shook my head, temporarily shaking the remaining memories out as well. My flashback was short enough to not cause any suspicion. At least, the normal people wouldn't know.

"At least I don't cake my face and get lip injections. I'm all natural, babe," I replied with a quick wink. Thank God that I recovered quickly. 

"Bitch," Alyssa snarled. "How fucking dare you talk to the queen like that?"

"Like what?" I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently at her. "The Queen of Hell doesn't deserve respect, honey."

Okay, now that was a bit rude. I felt a twinge of guilt for saying that, but I swallowed and refocused my attention to the verbal battle.

"Don't act all fucking innocent on me!" She screeched. "I will make your life a fucking hell if you don't stop being such a little whore!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not the one that dresses like one, am I?"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" She tried to slap me, but I caught her wrist.

"Let go of me! I'm going to fucking kill you in your sleep!" she yelled, trying to yank her arm out of my grasp. 

"No." My voice was cold and hard as stone. Alyssa suddenly froze and looked at me. I could see a hint of fear in her eyes as I dominated her with my death glare. 

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