Chapter 37 - I'm Sorry

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The four of us piled into Zack's truck. I took shotgun, Ro and Felix claimed the backseat, and Zack - of course - was the driver. 

I refused to drive ever since the accident, so I've been depending on Mom or Zack to drive me places. Not that I was complaining, I just felt guilty that I had to rely on other people for transportation.

"Why are you always the one driving?" complained Ro as she buckled her seat belt. "Why won't you ever agree to me driving? I'm a good driver!"

Felix rolled his eyes. "No, you're not. You almost ran into a-"

"Shut up! That garbage can was in my way, that was its own fault!"

"You would've hit the poor thing if I didn't say anything!"

Ro glared at him. "That's what it gets for sitting in the middle of the road!"

"It was not in the middle of the road, it was on the side!"

"You're being mean."

"You're a terrible driver."

She stuck her tongue out at Felix, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead.

I just laughed at the bickering pair. They were so cute together, I was happy for them.

Zack smirked. "Ro, to answer your question - I told Raven the first day I met her that I'm her 'personal taxi service.' So, I gotta live up to my title."

"That's so freaking cute!" she gushed. "I guess I can't be mad about that."

My jaw dropped in shock as the memory washed over me. When did he say that, and why didn't I remember?

Cause you're kinda dumb, if you haven't realized, my conscience pointed out. 

Oh, shut up, you're annoying.

You do realize that you're just talking to yourself, but in your head?

...I have no words.


Go away, dumb conscience.

I shut out my inner voice and searched my brain for the memory.

When I had my first panic attack at school, and he carried me to the nurse's office...

He nudged me. "Remember that, Sunshine?"

I nodded. "That was so long ago! How do you remember?"

"I remember things about you."

Ro squealed loudly, clutching her hands together. "Awww, you two are so adorable."

"Ha ha, no you and Felix," I replied, looking out the window in an attempt to hide the tinge of pink in my cheeks.


My eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment.


Raven, you're actually dumb. The bet? That if Zack likes you, you owe Ro Dutch?

Conscience, I swear to heck, you're not the same person as me.

I'm rolling my eyes at you, and yes, I am.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I admitted, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"About what?" asked Felix, trying to be a part of the conversation.

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