Chapter 10 - Sweatshirt

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***WARNING: skip the italics part if you get triggered by self harm.**** (You're not missing out on much, just a flashback)



Screeching tires.





She's gone.

I drag the razor across the skin of my wrist. The blood is a reminder of what I've done, taunting me.

She's gone.

Gone from the world.

I will never see her again.

I drag it again


And again

Until my skin is a bloody mess

Until I forget.


I wake up and roll off my bed. It's been a week since the accident. I look into the mirror and see the ghost of a person I've become.

My eyes are dark and baggy. My skin is white as paper. My hair sits in a messy bun on top of my head, knotted and greasy like a bird's nest. I refused to eat, the weight loss is very noticeable. My collarbones jut out, and I can see my ribs. I felt so weak and could barely stand. I take a deep breath, exhaling all my feelings before they could overwhelm me. I take a shower, letting the water sting my forming scars, letting the water sting the open wounds. Letting the water sting away the memory, the agony.


I'm finally back at school. It's been a whole week. What are they going to think of me?

I walk into the hallway and I'm met by a bunch of stares. Whispers.

More whispers.

I hang my head down low.


They're whispering about me.


"She has the fucking nerve to show her useless ass? "

"Why is she here?"

"Why the fuck is she alive??"

"It should have been Raven. Not her."

And the sad thing is,

They're right.

A fist knocks me to the ground .

And I don't fight back. I don't have energy. I don't have any muscles.

A kick to my stomach, and I swirl into blackness once again, hearing the screams echo in my ears.


"Raven, oh honey, it's okay, it's just a dream." My mom's soothing voice was laced with worry. She was holding me and stroking my back comfortingly in an attempt to calm me down.

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