Chapter 21 - She Must Be Special

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WE HIT 500 READS!!!! *screams happily* 

I found out DURING SCHOOL, and I actually FREAKED THE FRICK OUT!! People probably thought I was a hyena on crack or something (I'm not tho), but I DON'T CARE!!

we're HALFWAY to my goal, 1k!! and I'm a little less than halfway done with my book.

My rankings overall have shot up as well! Do you think we can get to #1 in something?

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Except I can, because you guys are amazing!!

***Special thanks to PineappleGoddess_ chubsoink kristianamariee da_gril   and onionshrek for being my earliest supporters. I appreciate every single one of your votes and comments! Much love to you guys <3*** 

I'm supposed to be busy with school, but I couldn't help to procrastinate my homework and write! So as I promised, here's the early early update hehe <3

***Remember to VOTE by clicking the star and COMMENT!! Knowing people like my work gives me motivation to write :)***




"I can't believe I'm actually ditching school!" I said in disbelief. I hopped into the passenger seat of Zack's Ford F150 and shut the door. 

"Chill, Sunshine. It's only Study Hall. It's not like we're gonna get in trouble. They don't care if you show up there or not," Zack reassured, chuckling. 

"But still," I mumbled, fiddling with my key chain 

"Oh, lighten up. After all, you are a ray of sunshine," he added with a wink that drove butterflies crazy in my stomach. 

I rolled my eyes in a failed attempt to suppress the idiotic grin that surfaced.

"I've never ditched class before for fun," I admitted, fidgeting with the sleeves of my pastel pink sweatshirt. 

He doesn't know I've ditched because I was too em

Zack frowned and started the engine. The comforting chug of the engine relieved a bit of my anxiety, and soon I relaxed into the seat. 

"What do you mean by, 'for fun'?" he asked, turning his body to face me. 

I looked up to meet his gaze and cracked a small side smile. "You caught that, huh?"

"Yeah. I don't miss little things like that," he said. 

"I kinda noticed you pay attention to the little things I do," I responded, trying to change the subject.

"Also, you don't have to answer that if it makes you feel uncomfortable," he added.

I simply nodded and looked back down at my shoes. 

Zack started to back out of the parking lot. 

Should I tell him? I asked my conscience. 

If you want. 

Wow, thanks for the helpful advice.


I rolled my eyes at my conscience. 

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