Chapter 12 - Cheese balls

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***Ahh! we're so close to 200 reads!!! When I checked my story stats this morning, I did a little dance because I was so excited :))***


We arrived at Zack's place in about seven minutes. It was surprisingly close to my house, close enough for me to walk here without dying. I may as well just come on my own next time so I do't have to disturb my mom. As loving as she is, I know she's really busy with her job and rarely has time for me. She works late nights more than half the week and most of her Saturday mornings are taken up by her job.

Mom parked the Ford Explorer on the curb in front of the house. The neighborhood was quiet and decent, with zero evidence of obnoxious little kids running around on the street. Most of the houses looked fancy with their perfectly manicured lawns and flower bushes. The two-story houses were a sleek, contemporary style with flat roofs and large glass windows. 

"Whoa, these people are loaded," I remarked, taking in the sight.

Mom chuckled. "Yeah, the houses are pretty nice," she agreed, cutting the engine. "They're probably worth around a million dollars."

Mom and I walked up the driveway and across the porch to the door. She created a rule with me that she would let me go over to someone's house as long as she met the person first. In a way, I was glad because we could respect each other's boundaries while making sure I stayed safe.

Are his parents home? Does he have siblings? Pets? What If they don't like me? What if I break something and -

"Raven? Are you okay?" Mom's voice cut through my anxious thoughts.

I exhaled. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Before she could argue or say anything else, I rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, the massive black door opeoned to reveal Zack. His somewhat damp hair made him look even more like a mop. A cute mop, with the most stunning green eyes on the planet and well defined muscles through the thin fabric of his black t shirt....

"Hey, Raven," he smiled.

"Hey," I greeted. "Mom, this is Zack. Zack, this is my mom."

"Hi Ms. Westfield. Nice to meet you," he said politely, shaking her hand.

"Hi Zack. Call me Hailey, please. I like to pretend I'm still young," she said with a wink.

"Will do," he chuckled before they released their handshake. 

"Alright, see you Mom. I think I can just walk home since it's pretty close," I stated.

"Okay, text me when you leave. Love you," she kissed me on the cheek before looking at Zack.

"Take care of my daughter," she added over he shoulder before walking away.

"Always," he responded with a wink before pulling me into the house and shutting the door.

I stepped into the house, and my jaw immediately dropped. The space was open and airy thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and mainly decked out with neutral colors to add to the modern vibe. Sleek furniture decorated the space. It reminded me of a celebrity's modern mansion, but scaled down to a large 2-story house.

"What do you think of my house?" Zack asked, bringing me out of my awestruck state.


Zack chuckled. "I assume you like it"

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