Chapter 34 - You're Such A Dork

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Another update this week, as I promised! :)


Over the course of my storytelling, we started walking along the shore of the ocean. I had been fidgeting so bad that Zack stood up and without warning, scooped me off the ground and placed me on my feet, and began leading me closer to the water. 

The waves lapped at my feet, the cold water sending shivers up my legs. But the rest of me was warm, because Zack kept me close to him at all times. 

I choked out a sob. "I was in the hospital for two months. I wanted to give up, and it took me longer to recover because at first I refused to let them help me."

Zack pulled me close to him. I rested my cheek onto his chest, letting my silent tears fall into the soft fabric of his sweatshirt.

"Raven, it's okay. The worst is over," he said gently, kissing my head.

I let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry for crying so much and soaking your sweatshirt."

He chuckled. "No worries, Sunshine. It will dry sooner or later."

I wiped the tears off my face for the bajillionth time today. 

"I'm so happy you let me in," Zack confessed, breaking the silence. "Thank you for sharing your past with me. I know it can be hard to talk about."

I looked up at him, smiling. "Thank you for still being here with me. It means a lot that you weren't just like, 'adios', and left after all the dark stories I just threw at your face."

"Whether or not you're over it, you past will always be a part of you. I love you, Raven - every single part of you. I wouldn't just leave you," he reassured.

His comforting words sent a warm wave washing over me, but I still couldn't shake off the lingering doubt.

I sighed. "I'm not over everything, Zack. There's so many things I can't let go I still don't know who the driver was. That part kills me the most. To know that the person killed Ellie, and somehow disappeared from the face of the earth. There was nothing. Not a trace, Zack. Just a big fat check of a million dollars sent to Ellie's parents saying 'stop looking'. Of course, I tried looking on my own, but I couldn't find anything. Nothing. Not a single trace." 

A strange look flickered across Zack's face.

"I also still haven't made up with Andrew, or talked the others in New York after everything happened. A part of me is still holding onto that," I continued. "Why Andrew never came back, or how they took the news of me leaving. I don't know, and my mind overthinks everything all the time."

"Can you change the past?" he asked, after a pause. 

"Yup. Can you hand me my time machine?" I joked, attempting to lighten the dark mood reliving my past put me into.

He chuckled softly. "See? The answer is, you can't."

"Whatever," I muttered, rolling my eyes. 

 I pulled away slightly to look at him. Zack's intense green eyes softened, and he reached to wipe the tears off my face with his thumb, his gentle touch warming my skin.

"You can't really do much about it," he stated. 

"But - " 

Zack kissed my lips softly, attempting to shut me up.

It worked. 

The kiss ended as quickly as it started, leaving me with wide eyes looking up at a smirking Mophead. 

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