Chapter 31 - Small World

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Hey guys! 

Yeah yeah, long time no update, I fell off my Wattpad grind and lost motivation. But I started reading again because I'm on break and away from school. Motivation to write really hit me like a truck today, so here ya'll go :)

This story is going to finish soon. I'm not sure when, but it won't have more than 40 chapters. 

Enjoy! Merry late Christmas and Happy almost New Year!


"Ellie died instantly according to the doctors," I said. "The impact of a Hummer going 90 miles an hour was too much for a sedan and a 16 year old girl to handle."

It hurt to talk about Ellie because the pain of the memory would drive my brain insane. I didn't even notice that I was digging my fingernails into the skin of my hands until Zack gently pried them off, looking at me disapprovingly. 

"Stop, Raven, you're hurting yourself," he warned quietly. He slid his hands down my arms and to intertwine his fingers with mine. My body became happy the instant he made contact with me.

"I'm sorry... bad habit," I explained, looking down. 

A look of concern flashed across his eyes, but he didn't push it.

"I feel really bad... It hurts even trying to remember what happened. She died right next to me. How could I not..."

Zack nodded grimly. "Did you ever find out who the driver was?"

"No," I said bitterly, shaking my head. "We never got justice. Detectives tried finding them, but there was no luck. They just seemed to have disappeared."

He clenched his fist. "I wish I could do something to help, Sunshine."

I shook my head. "Nothing you can do, Zack. But thank you."

"Would you ever forgive him or her, if you found out who they were?" he asked, curiously.

I sighed. "I honestly don't know. That person is partly responsible for the death of my best friend. She was like my sister, Zack, I don't know."

He nodded. "I can understand that."

"Any more questions?" I asked, continuing to stare at the sky, in which the sun was setting, casting beautiful colors across the calm waves of the ocean.

"So, you never got the name of the boy at the party?"

I shook my head again. "No, I was too heated over... Vincent that I honestly forgot to. To be honest, I wish I did. But my dumbass brain had too much to worry about. I regret not being able to have talked to him more. I mean, we lived in opposite sides of the country - there was no way we'd be able to see each other again."

"Why?" questioned Zack. "Why did you regret it?"

Why is he asking so much? Is he jealous or something?

"Because he was a sweet guy. And he was pretty hot, not gonna lie," I admitted. "But I was way to caught up in everything to act upon anything."

Zack chuckled softly.

"What? Don't make fun of me, that's mean," I said defensively, still looking out at the calming waters of the deep blue ocean. If it weren't for the ocean keeping me grounded, I probably would have lost it by now. 

"Look at me," he ordered, tugging at my arm. "Please, Sunshine?"

"What, why?" I asked, confused. "The ocean is keeping me calm, Zack. Can I keep looking at it?"

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