Chapter 7 - Liar, liar, balls on fire

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I think my chapters have been getting slightly longer. My first few were only about 1,500 words, but this and chapter 6 are both around 2,100 words. Hopefully I can keep them at about this length!

Thank you so much for sticking with me! We're so close to 100 reads!


"Hey, Zack," I greeted nonchalantly, trying to be chill - even though I really wanted to beat the daylights out of him for ignoring me.

"Hey yourself," he replied sheepishly. 

I snatched the pen from his hand, feeling pissed off. I swear, this boy is bipolar. One day Zack's ignoring me, and then he starts talking to me again an the most random times ever.

"Whoah, Sunshine, chill out," he smirked.

  Damn that cute smile of his. My burning desire to slap his face instantly faded away.  

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "'Chill' is definitely not in my book of behaviors. I'm the complete opposite of chill."

He chuckled and slid into the seat next to me.

"Why were you ignoring me yesterday? And this morning?" I asked.

Zack blinked, his face quickly becoming devoid of emotion. "I wasn't," he said flatly, holding my gaze.

"Liar liar, balls on fire. Yes you were," I spat.

"No I wasn't!" he defended.

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't"







"YES YOU FRICKEN WERE, MOPHEAD!" I shouted a little bit too loudly. A few curious students turned their heads over in my direction, causing me to blush and lowered my head a little bit.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I was kind of... avoiding you," he muttered, looking away.

An uneasy silence settled between us.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

He sighed in frustration. "I was having a bad day, okay?" he snapped.

"After Garrett gave me his number?" I shot an annoyed look at him. I regretted it a little once I saw a hint of anger on his face.

He didn't reply.

"Are you salty over that or something? It really wasn't a big deal! Sure, he grabbed me by the wrist and it made me slightly uncomfortable. Whatever, Garrett just gave me his contact info so I could call him to help me catch up. you know, 'cause I was gone for a week, and I fell behind in my studies and - "

"Why didn't you just call me for help?" he asked with a quiet, yet serious voice, cutting off my rambling. His beautiful green eyes were locked onto mine, hypnotizing me, silently demanding an answer from me. Despite the fact that his intense stare almost made me squirm, butterflies continued to flutter around in my stomach.

"Garrett offered to help me," I replied finally, breaking his gaze by looking down at my lap.

"But I gave you my number first," he argued. "Which you oh so happened to lose, you irresponsible little..."

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