Chapter 26 - Ellie

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hi guys. I haven't updated in a hot minute, and if you read my announcement thingy it explains why. 

but while I was on my little Wattpad break....

we. hit. ONE THOUSAND READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


I seriously love you all so much. 

hope you enjoy this chapter, the first update of 2019 ( i have no idea what i was thinking when i wrote this chapter i just threw random schtuff together and wrote til 2k words, then kept writing cuz i wasn't done yet lol okay this chapter is prob the worst one i've written but also one of the longest so don't hate me thanks for listening to my rant okay bye <3)

~JJ :)



It was so quiet, you could literally hear a pin drop. 

Or the birds chirping in the trees above. 

Or an ASMR video at minimum volume. 

So, being me, I cleared my throat.

"What?" I asked, my clear voice ringing throughout the front quad.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," snarled Alyssa.

 "Is there a problem, ladies?" I asked,  taken aback by her aggressive response.

McKayla spoke after a few seconds. "Bitch, you're the problem here."

"Bitch? Oh WOW, I'm SO offended," I gasped dramatically before narrowing my eyes again. "I think you need to leave me alone, and find some new insults while you're at it."

"Well, it describes what you are," smirked Alyssa. 

I laughed sarcastically. "You know, what if I want to be a female canine?"

"The fuck you wanna be that for?" she demanded, clearly confused. "You wanna be a useless mutt that I can kick around?"

"Nah. It'd be so I can rip your head off with my teeth and then pee on you afterwards," I joke with a playful smirk on my face, causing ripples of laughter throughout the crowd. 

Alyssa looked extremely pissed, but McKayla seemed completely unfazed. "Psycho bitch, just fuck off and leave my goddamn school!" Satan yelled. "You've caused so much trouble and disturbed the peace I've had for years!"

I sighed. "No thank you."

McKayla stormed up the steps to meet me face to face. "How about listen to Alyssa and get the fuck out?"

"I have just as much right to be here as you do," I stated simply.

"Not after you stole Zack from me," she snarled.

Ro, who was silently observing this the whole time with a calculating glare, chose this moment to speak up. 

"It's not her fault that your personality stinks more than moldy cow shit," she shot back. "Have you ever considered maybe that's why Zack fell for Raven? Do something else other than play your bullshit mind games, and leave us alone. You both are just desperate and jealous."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" screeched Alyssa, who had joined McKayla at the top of the stairs. 

Ro shrugged innocently, but that didn't stop a smirk from forming across her face. "The same girl who used to play  Barbies with you when we were in kindergarten."

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