Chapter 16 - Hot Pink Lipstick

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Hey guys, it's JJ, back at ya'll with another update! Hope you enjoy!

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Love you guys! Thanks for reading!


"What the actual fuck is going on here?" screeched Alyssa, who had just unattractively barreled through the door in a whirl of blonde hair, red lace, and expensive floral perfume.


Garrett instantly jumped away from me, a look of pure surprise across his face. He nervously raked his fingers through his hair and tugged on the hem of his shirt. "Alyssa! I didn't know you were coming today."

Alyssa walked over to him, her hips slowly swaying back and forth. When she reached him, she draped her leg over his, causing his eyes to cloud over with lust as she ran his fingers up his back. "You can't just leave me hanging like that earlier. We need to finish what we started," she purred seductively.

What the fu-

He was thirty minutes late because he was hooking up with Alyssa? The spawn of Satan? 

You've gotta be freaking kidding me.

I put my hand over my mouth and coughed loudly, catching Alyssa's attention. She gasped, her smoke gray eyes widening in surprise.

"Garrett, Babe, what the fuck is this little slut doing here?" she yelled in disgust, finally noticing me. "Get this piece of shit out of here!"

"She tried to seduce me," he lied. "She made me take her home!"

Oh no he didn't.

He did not just-

I didn't hesitate in telling him off. I wasn't going to be the bad guy here.

Not again.

 "Are you for real? You had me pinned against a freaking wall and couldn't keep your damn hands to yourself!" I screamed. "You're un-freaking believable!"

"Was not. You wanted it," Garrett argued.

Freaking horny-ass jocks. 

"I said no, didn't I?" I seethed.

It took every ounce of willpower to not start beating the shit out of this boy.

"You little whore," sneered Alyssa. "You think that you can take my boyfriend?"

"Shut the hell up!" I snarled, feeling extremely fed up with their bullshit. "This is between me and Garrett. Don't make me super glue your mouth shut, Satan."

She looked shocked as she closed her mouth.

I whipped my death stare to focus on Garrett. "And you. What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to play me? To use me like all your other hoes who are desperate to get laid?" I hissed, getting pissed off.

He shrugged. "You seemed to be easy."

I was practically boiling with anger. "You do not take advantage of the people that are nice to you. Because Karma is going to come bite you in the ass. Or cut off your balls."

"You're fucking crazy, you know! I hoped you would be wild in bed. But you're a complete turn off," he said, rolling his eyes. "Nobody would want to fuck you."

This boy is freaking disgusting.

Why didn't I just listen to Zack when he told me to stay away from Garrett? I'm so bull headed sometimes, ugh.

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