Chapter 6 - Rice Drop

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I spent lunch yesterday at the campus library, by myself. No, I am NOT a nerd. I just really really want to get all my makeup work done so I can take my time at home to chill and watch Netflix. And do my other homework, of course. I'm not a slacker, I swear. My mom would be a little pissed if I got less than an A, and absolutely kill me if I got anything less than a B. Thankfully, I got enough work done to take a break and actually eat today.

I decided to have lunch with Ro on Thursday. Zack  I wanted to get to know her better, since she seemed like a cool person. Also, I felt the friendship click when I first met her, too. We met up at our lockers before going off to wherever we were going to eat.

"Uh, where do you normally eat lunch?" I asked her while gently sliding my Spanish book into my bare locker. I seriously needed to decorate this thing.

"I used to eat in the cafeteria, but I had a pretty bad fallout with a group of my ex friends," she said flatly.

I sucked in a breath. "Yikes. That sucks acorn nuts. Can we eat outside?"

She nodded. "Yeah." She began to walk outside, and I had to jog to catch up with her brisk pace.

"What happened?" I asked. "Um, if you don't mind telling me."

"Just the usual, you know. Snakes talking shit and pretending that they have nothing wrong with me," she shrugged.

"Mhm. When was this?" I wondered.

"While you were out," she sighed.

I instantly felt a pang of guilt, and winced internally.

Maybe if I had not skipped school... I could have been there for her. And like, what if the fallout had something to do with the fight between Alyssa and I? DANG IT NOW I REALLY REGRET MISSING SCHOOL! Also the amount of makeup work is complete bull. But then I wouldn't have met Zack! And Zack is cool. But so is Ro. Ro might be even cooler, especially since Zack has all these weird mood swings and ignores me whenever Garrett comes near me. Gosh freaking darn, I feel really bad. Gah, this is why I have exactly zero friends.

"Hey, it's not your fault," said Ro, giggling. "And yes sweetie, I know I'm cooler than Zack Anderson."

"Uhm. I didn't know you can read minds," I stammered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

She let out a laugh. "I can't, I'm not Edward Cullen. You just said that out loud."

I mentally face palmed myself. "Eerrrgh."

"Its okay, Raven. I think it's great that you talk to yourself."

"I doubt I'm the only one that does that," I muttered.

We reached large birch tree that Ro had here eyes set on. We sat down on the bench of a random lunch table nearby.

"But seriously, it's okay," she waved her hand at me. "It's not like you were the one talking shit."

"Ah. You're right," I said with a smile.

"Plus, I manage fine on my own. The library is a nice place for loners to wander around. So, where did you move from?" Ro asked, changing the subject.

"I came from New York City. I moved here about two weeks ago," I responded, taking a bite out of my Cheeto puff.

"Wow, that must've been such a transition! That's basically across the entire US!" she exclaimed

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