Chapter 25 - Stupid is Stupid

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Heyyyo, it's ya girl, back at it again with ANOTHER UPDATE!!!

To be honest, I wasn't gonna update again until next year (hehe cuz January is in 3 days) BUT. OH. MY. GOSHHHHHHHH!!!

"Fly Away" is ranking NUMBER ONE in anxietyattacks!!

Yeah, the category is small or whateva, but STILL!! IT'S NUMBER ONE, and NUMBER ONE IS STILL NUMBER ONE!!!

I'm still freaking out. You guys are amazing.

Alsooooo, we're really close to 900! My goal by the end of the book is 1,000. You guys are UH-MAY-ZINNNNNN i cant alskjdf;lwejfioasjd;klfjwjlef'oaj;idkl;f

I'm just beyond happy. Thank you a bajillion times for your support.

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share :)

-JJ <3


Driving to Jerry's Coffee shop every morning before school became a thing.

Ya know, like a routine?

I'm not complaining. This week has honestly been the best of my life, because I've gotten to spend time with the boy that stole my heart.

Zack came by every morning this week to drive me to school. At six forty-five, the doorbell would ring and I'd already be dressed and waiting for him. My mom would always wink at me before saying goodbye as she left for work.

Yes. My mom ships us, too.

But at this point, who doesn't?

Well, besides Satan, McBitch, and any other jealous hoes. They're irrelevant to me, so I could honestly care less.

First Alyssa, and now McKayla. The next thing I know, Gabriella is gonna move here and then she'll expose me and I'll literally be screwed and -

Oh, stop. Everyone there thinks you're dead, anyways, my conscience pointed out.

I squeezed my eyes shut and steadied my breathing, willing away the painful memories of my life in New York.

On this glorious Friday morning, I had woken up to the sound of my phone chiming. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and checked the time.

6:12. 3 minutes before I normally wake up.

Eh. I might as well get ready. No use in staring at the ceiling for three whole minutes and possibly risk getting an anxiety attack from overthinking some stupid thing that happened last year.

Yes. That used to happen frequently, but they've slowly started going away after we moved here.

I bet-

Don't even say that Zack is the reason.

But he is, Raven!

I rolling my eyes at my conscience, I canceled my alarm and grabbed my phone off my nightstand to check it.

Ro: Yo, when are you and Zack gonna date?

Raven: Good morning to you too, Ro

Raven: idk man, i really like him but he hasn't asked me out ;(


Raven: ...

Raven: Nah

Ro: WHY NOT?? D:

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