Chapter 35 - Beah

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After the bell rang, I hastily walked out of my third period classroom. 

"What's the rush, Sunshine?"

Startled, I whirled around to see a smirking Mophead leaning against the wall next to the classroom door. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and was giving me a look that made my knees feel weak. 

I stomped over to him and swatted his arm. 

"You scared me!" I scolded. 

Zack laughed, gripping my waist and pulling me close to him so that our bodies were in contact with each other. 

"You're adorable," he whispered softly, kissing my forehead. 

I just about melted in his arms, unable to stop the smile forming on my face. 

I'm so in love with this boy.

"I need to go use the bathroom," he stated, breaking our embrace. "I'll meet you at your locker so we can go to lunch together, okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

I gave him a cheeky grin, which he returned before leaving for the restroom. 

When I got to my locker, a voice that I'd quickly came to hate broke my trance of peace and swooning over Zack.

"Are you and Zack back together?" McKayla asked.

Ugh, I hate her. I wish a hole would just swallow her and she'd disappear from my life.

ME TOO, BRO! She's a dumb piece of gum stuck on the bottom of a shoe. 

I laughed internally at my conscience, then frowned when I remembered that I had an annoying person to deal with.

"Yeah," I replied, messing with my locker. "Why do you ask?"

She giggled evily. "Oh, what a shame, Raven. Let me ask you something. Does he truly love you?"

Umm, what?

Why is she asking this? my conscience asked. It's personal information.

Because she's more annoying than people who hog cheese balls. 

True. Can I call her Satan Junior?

I smirked to myself. Fabulous idea. 

I closed my locker, turning to face her. "Look, my life is none of your business. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you, okay? Now, can you just leave me alone?"

Normally, I would be more aggressive, but I was tired of my wit accidentally causing unnecessary drama. So I decided to stick with my best attempt at being pleasant for the sake of not having to deal with this other spawn of Satan. 

McKayla folded her arms across her chest. "I'll leave you alone once you leave Zack alone."

I shot her a weird look, like she was a rotten apricot holding a Louis Vuitton bag.

Apricots don't even have arms, Raven.

Conscience, shut up. It was a joke.

Chill, dude. I know.

"Okay, hold up. You make it sound like I'm bothering him, like I'm a nuisance to him. News flash, he wants to be with me. Hey, did you know that Zack is his own person, therefore he can make his own choices?" I stated, getting annoyed at her.

She glared at me. "Stay the fuck away from him, then. Don't go anywhere near him."

"Or what, you're going to have some of your goons push me down the stairs again?" I snapped, furious at the memory.

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