Chapter 9 - Felix

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Catching up on a week's worth of schoolwork is rough as a hedgehog. Especially since my unstable brain could not think for the life of me. Unfortunately, small things and words still triggered those little flashbacks that made me sit there, gritting my teeth, waiting for them to be over. I guess Cassandra was right to let me skip a week of school after my panic attack.

I probably would have had another one if I stayed at school.

After Ro left on Saturday afternoon, I spent about four hours trying to catch up on all of my assignments. Thankfully, APUSH was pretty straightforward and the textbook was helpful. There were no labs in AP Physics - just a boatload of notes that caused my hand to cramp afterwards. I started - and finished - an essay draft for English, feeling proud at the amount of work I got done. I used online resources for Spanish, finishing everything. Since I missed out on verbal practice, I had a nice conversation with my wall.

Feeling drained, I decided to take a break and go for a run to Dutch Bros to get some drugs - aka a caffeinated drink packed with sugar. I went to let my mom know that I was going out - but then I remembered she had a business meeting today.

When I returned with a drink in my hand, I looked at my calc textbook and groaned, throwing my head back in frustration. I sat down at my desk unwillingly, and began the first page.

"What the actual frick, this makes zero sense! I have no idea what I'm doing!!!" I cried, feeling very stressed.

After writing the notes, I began on the homework, even though I had zero idea what I was doing. When I finally completed the first page, I decided to check my answers to make sure I was on the right track.

"Mkay, let's see how many I actually got right."

To my dismay, about two thirds of my answers were incorrect. I dropped my face into my hands, muffling the scream I let out.


I grabbed my phone from underneath me, about to text this girl I met in Calc for some help. My eyes widened to the size of frying pans when I saw my screen.

I had accidentally butt-dialed Zack. And he had been listening to what I had been doing, for almost ten minutes.

I slapped a hand over my mouth. "Frick..."

Zack was full on chortling on the other end.

"Ahhhhrg, Mophead!! I - I didn't mean to!!!! I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO BUTT DIAL YOU!!!" I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"You're fucking hilarious!" he laughed. "You know, you're very entertaining when you're stressing over calc."

"Shut the frick up!" I wailed.

"Do you need help, Sunshine?" he offered. "I have like, a 97 in that class, so I gotchu."

I scowled. "Oh, get out."

He chuckled. "Nah, I don't want to leave you."

I blushed a little.

"Are you blushing, Sunshine?"

"No," I snapped.


I rolled my eyes.

"Help would be nice," I said, changing the subject. "I'd rather not fail calc."

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