Chapter Five ~ This and That

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Percy felt very awkward going up to bed. Not only was he in a strange place with strange people who kept giving him dirty glares, but it was also due to the dark haired boy walking up the stairs besides him, whose name he'd learned to be Harry. At dinner a major fight had broken out between Mrs Weasley and Sirius. He thought about how he'd feel in that situation, surrounded by people conflicted about what and what not to tell him when he only wanted answers on what the hell was going on.

Oh wait...

Been there, done that.

As a matter of fact, Percy could sympathise with Harry.

Despite the awkward lead up to getting answers, Percy was happy they were being provided, for he was just as lost on the situation as Harry. Perhaps even more so, having not a clue as to who Voldemort even was or what he had done. There was one girl, Ginny, who was sent away. Percy, sat there silently trying not to draw attention to himself in fear of being kicked out as well, but Sally did not bring up his presence.

This Voldemort was beginning to sound more and more like Kronos. Two evil grandfathers. Fantastic.

According to the werewolf in the room, whom Percy had come close to attacking when they met, Voldemort was attempting to recruit the giants.

Percy shuddered.

No. That could be dangerous.

Percy and Lupin were thinking of two different kinds of giants.

When the topic of Voldemort recruiting people for his Dark Army or whatever, Percy could practically feel people's stares burning holes in his body.

Thanks. He'd thought.

"Why are the adults so wary around you?" Hermione asked when they reached the top of the staircase. Despite Mrs Weasley's strict instructions for no talking and to go straight to bed.

She reminded him a little bit of his mother, scary when she wanted to be and not to be crossed.

"What?" He asked. Please don't go there.

"Oh, and Percy, dear, you can share a room with either the twins or Harry and Ron." Mrs Weasley said, returning. She gave Hermione as suspicious glance that had her retreating to her bedroom.

"I think I'll go with the twins, thanks." He said. She pointed the way out to him and then she was gone.

He knocked, but receiving no response, he decided to enter.

There was nobody inside.


~ Edited by BookwormMDCCCXIII

For some reason Wattpad hates me reading stories, but doesn't have a problem at all with me writing... why.



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