Chapter Fourteen ~ Hogwarts House

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Dumbledore took the hat and dismissed the teacher before facing Percy once more.

"Let's get you sorted now, shall we?" And he placed the hat on Percy's head.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here...?"


Percy jolted when he heard the old voice speaking in his head. "Who-"

"I am the Sorting Hat." Percy swallowed his words and decided to think instead.

'Okay, uhm... who?' The hat laughed, its voice echoing in Percy's mind.

"It is my job to decide the house which is right for you. Be it Ravenclaw of the knowledgeable and insightful, Hufflepuff of the humble and loyal, Slytherin of the cunning and ambitious, or Gryffindor of the brave and noble. So allow me to glimpse inside your mind, through your memories, to view your triumphs and your failures and you shall soon be on your way." The hat explained.

'My memories? I don't... think you want to do that...' Percy warned, but already the hat was delving into the demigod's past.

Percy's memories flashed behind his closed eyes, his life playing out before him. His first quest, his final quest, his friendships, his love, his family and those whom he'd lost. The battles fought and the wars won. The hat seemed intrigued and left almost no stone unturned.

Percy was panting slightly when the hat finally finished and his voice filled the demigod's head once more. "Hmm... interesting. I haven't had one of your sorts here for many a year."

'You're not going to tell anyone are you?'

"Of course not, for that is not my business. The only business I have with you is deciding what house you belong to best."

Percy took a deep breath. This was the place he'd stay all year. 'Which house do you see fit?'

"Well, that's the question, isn't it? Cunning and ambitious, while you have these qualities they are outshone by the others in your mind. You have smarts, there is no underestimating that, and you have your fair dose of courage to back, after all, one needs a good helping of bravery to survive the things you have. However, there is one that overpowers the others. Your sense of loyalty. Without your loyalty, there is much you would never have done. The determination to save your girlfriend, the urge to protect your family. You fight not for glory, nor for power, but to make sure those who rise with you, stay with you. For those who have nowhere left to go, you become home. You extend yourself to others and offer them your friendship. That I believe, would make you-"

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Percy almost jumped out of the seat when the Sorting Hat's voice rang out in the open, a loud announcement for many to hear, but the declaration only reached Percy and Dumbledore's ears.

Dumbledore removed the hat from Percy's head and placed it back on the shelf on a spot atop a book.

"Hufflepuff. An interesting choice." Percy immediately felt defensive.

"What, is that a bad thing?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"No, no, no, of course not my boy. Now, I assume you wish to meet your housemates." Dumbledore smiled before leading Percy out the door and down the stairs.

Just as they approached a set of huge double doors that towered over Percy's head, they opened and out came a swarm of kids in robes with jerseys and ties all in four different colors. Dumbledore pulled aside a kid in yellow and pointed Percy out, telling the boy something the demigod couldn't hear. They walked over to him.

"Percy, this is Zaiden Dockery. He's in Hufflepuff, like you. If I think correctly, he is also your new roommate. Zaiden, this is Persues Jackson. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to attend to. Best of luck." And then Dumbledore was gone, disappearing around the corner.

"So uh... Zaiden right?" The boy nodded. He looked to be a bit younger than Percy, but it was hard to tell given that the guy wouldn't meet his eyes and was swamped by his robes. The boy only nodded his head.

"I'm Percy. Nice to meet you. Seems like we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other given that now we're... roommates." Oh my gods just stop talking, Percy chided himself. "Where... are they?"

Zaiden just gave Percy a faint smile and grabbed his sleeve, tugging the older boy after him.  Percy reluctantly followed until they came to a halt outside of the Hufflepuff area entrance. Or at least, Percy hoped it was the Hufflepuff entrance and not the case of getting lost. However, he didn't understand how a stack of barrels was going to help them in either situation.

That is, until Zaiden let go of his sleeve to tap on one of the barrels. There were five taps and Percy would've been mightily confused when suddenly the entrance opened up if he hadn't known this was a world of magic.

Zaiden pulled him into the Common Room and then turned to face the demigod. A bright smile covered his face and he spread his arms out as if to say, 'Welcome to the Hufflepuff dorms'.

Percy grinned at the homey vibe the yellow and black decorated room seemed to pulse with.

If this was where he'd spend the next year or so, Percy didn't think he'd mind too much.


So, I kinda died recently... I haven't been on Wattpad very much, to be honest. Holidays just began and between birthdays, celebrations, family, Christmas and the fact that it's my first week of holidays, yeah. I took a small break from Wattpad... and in the process discovered Merlin which is now consuming me. But just... look at Arthur's face.

I love them both so much omg

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I love them both so much omg. Especially their interactions. ANYWAY.

Because I'm on holiday, free time becomes a thing once Christmas is done with. So, I'm taking away the weekly update, and I'll just update whenever I finish a chapter. And if this story isn't finished before end of my holidays then it'll go back to Sunday updates.

Merry Christmas,


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