Chapter Twenty ~ Defense Against The Pink Toad

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After a particularly uninteresting Divination class, only two classes of the day were left, and it was double Defense Against the Dark Arts. This was perhaps one of the classes Percy was most looking forwards to; that and Care of Magical Creatures.

Marcus, Zaiden and Percy had collected their things and made a beeline for the class. It would appear both boys were just as eager to get there. Given that they'd been taking the subject for the last four years and were still so excited about it, Percy couldn't help but feed off their excitement.

However, when they arrived and saw a lady dressed immaculately in pink, apprehension set in. Percy felt his heart drop as he recognised the lady as the rude and uptight woman from the bookstore in Diagon Alley.

Maybe she's not the teacher. Maybe she's just visiting for some reason. And just sitting in the teacher's seat to keep it warm...

Percy felt his expression become grim.

Occupying a couple of the desks was the Golden Trio. Percy found that referring to them as that was far simpler than repeating all three names in his head.

Percy slid into the spare seat next to Harry, alongside Zaiden and Marcus, who sat side by side in the two seats in front of him.

The demigod whispered to the wizard, "She's not our teacher is she?" Harry could only grimace.

"You should've heard her speech at dinner last night."

Percy found himself suddenly glad he'd had a private sorting and missed it.

"Well, good afternoon!" the teacher spoke in a cherry voice. She received a scattering of unenthusiastic replies and tried again. In the most upright and proper voice she could, "That shan't do. I would like you to respond with, 'Good afternoon Professor Umbridge'. Once more please, you can do it. Good afternoon, class."

Though the response was louder, it was thoroughly sarcastic. "Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." However if Percy's ears didn't deceive him, he was certain not everybody said her name as it was pronounced and couldn't help the smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Do you find something funny, Mr. Jackson?" Umbridge said, instantly picking up on it. Percy quickly wiped the smirk off his face, having enough experience with Mrs. Dodds and now knowing better; even if his old teacher was a Fury in human skin. This teacher certainly had her eye on him after the bookstore incident.

"Nothing, Professor." All she could do was 'humph' and move on.

"Right. I want wands away and quills out." she demanded and tapped the blackboard promptly with a short wooden wand. "I understand your teaching in regards to this subject has been rather... fragmented. The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year. However! This may all be behind us with my teaching, strictly following a theory-based, Ministry-approved course on the defensive arts that is suitable for your age. I would like you to please copy down the following." She pointed to a list of the semester's course aims written in terrible cursive that Percy struggled to read. Perhaps he should've sat closer to the front of the class. However if he did, he'd probably wound up getting spat on with the amount this professor liked to talk.

Percy could sense that any excitement the students may have held for the class this year had drained dry the moment the lady opened her mouth. Dutifully the students copied down the notes, after all, what else could they do?

Before Percy could finish squinting at the board she continued, "Has everybody got a copy of Defense Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?"

Again she received unenthusiastic replies and again she went over the proper way to reply. She then instructed everybody to turn to page 5 and begin reading the first chapter. Percy could already feel his head starting to hurt when he recalled the little enchantment his mother had taught him. It would change the words to a language he could read easier, which given he was four years behind, would be a miracle for him.

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