Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Attention, Detention!

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Percy didn't know what to say to the younger boy. What could he say to that? 'I'm sorry?' That seemed too empty. At least he knew why Zaiden was so stubborn about how he lived. He wanted to prove to the man who tore down his world that he could still carry on.

Under Zaiden's intense stare, Percy felt he had to say something, but he found he had nothing to say. He wasn't exactly somebody who was particularly wordy and this was something from so long ago that word-formed comfort would be pointless.

So he didn't say anything. The demigod leaned forwards and pulled Zaiden into a hug that he could only hope conveyed what he couldn't put into words. Zaiden returned the hug tightly and didn't allow Percy to move away until his breath steadied.

The boy rose from the hug with the roll of parchment containing his story in hand. He dropped it into the crackling fire and watched it burn to ashes with silent resolution.

At this moment another familiar figure walked into the Hufflepuff common room - Marcus. Zaiden looked up from the burning parchment. His face brightened upon seeing Marcus, though it was hard to see because he hid his face in his hair to the best of his ability to cover his red eyes. Marcus instantly took that as a bad sign and a deeper frown appeared on his face.

He turned on Percy. "What did you do to him?"

Percy raised his hands in surrender at the accusation. "I didn't do anything!"

Threateningly, Marcus took a step forwards, a darker nature bubbling to the surface, evident from the stormy expression on his face. "Bullshit."

Zaiden surged forwards and grabbed Marcus' arm, shaking his head. The youngest Hufflepuff got the point, but couldn't help but glare at Percy. His message was clear.

If you hurt him, look out.

Zaiden tugged Marcus' hands to bring him over to the couch where Percy sat. He plopped down beside the demigod and patted the space on the other side of him, urging Marcus to sit next to him. Heaving a sigh, Marcus grudgingly sat.

While he didn't exactly join in, he watched as the other two carried out their games of charades and cards and all the things they could think of to keep themselves entertained. However, the peace could only last so long, and eventually, Marcus stood up. He'd been anxiously checking the time all evening.

"I've got somewhere I need to be now. But I'll be back later, okay?" he said. He pointedly avoided looking at Zaiden's frown.

"Wait, what time is it?" Percy inquired. Marcus showed him his pocket watch and the demigod's eyes widened. "Styx! I'm gonna be late for detention! Sorry Zaiden, but I gotta go now too."

Though the wizard looked a little put out by the abrupt ending to their fun, he waved his hands in acceptance and shooed them both out of the common room. He would see them later.

And so, all three went their separate ways.


By the time Percy arrived, Harry was already seated in front of the desk and Umbridge was scowling heavily at the demigod's minute late entrance.

"Got... lost," Percy muttered, dropping into a seat beside Harry. He hadn't actually gotten lost as Nightshade had come along to show him the way - something Percy was most grateful for. But he was late, and it was a believable excuse and thus he used it.

He stared at the parchment in front of Harry and the quill in his hand and felt his lip curl.

Of course, she's making us write lines.

"Make sure it doesn't happen in the future, Mr. Jackson." she said promptly before handing him a quill that was much like Harry's. Percy was thankful that she at least didn't expect him to show up with his own supplies because he hadn't brought anything with him.

It was when Percy sat down that he noticed the ghastly decoration of the room. While he didn't hate cats, there was a limit to how many technicolour, moving kitten portraits he could handle, and the walls crammed with such pictures far surpassed it. He grimaced at the professors choice of decorations.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Jackson?"

"Of course not," he replied.

"Fantastic. Let's get on with it, shall we? Mr. Potter, you'll be writing 'I must not tell lies', and Mr. Jackson, despite the many things you've done wrong, you'll be writing 'I must not interrupt'."

Both boys stared blankly at the parchments before them until Harry took the initiative to speak. "But Professor, you haven't given us any ink. Nor have you told us how many lines to write."

A cunning grin accompanied her next sentence. "Oh you won't need ink, and you'll write until the message really sinks in."

Resigned to their fates, they touched their quills to their parchment and began to write. As Percy began to scribble his lines, he saw words appear in crimson and felt an itching sensation on the back of his hand but frowned and brushed it off as nothing, but when he heard Harry emit a gasp of pain from beside him, he turned his head to investigate. Harry was closely examining his hand, which was red and marked with the words 'I must not tell lies'. Percy's eyes flickered to his own itchy hand in time to see 'I must not interrupt' fade from his skin, leaving behind a smooth dusting of red.

"What the hell is this?" Percy exclaimed as he saw Harry merely turn back to writing lines on the parchment with nothing more than a look of frustration. Who cares about your pride, this can't be right!

"It is your detention, Mr. Jackson. If you please, return to writing your lines without a fuss. You will be allowed to leave when I say so." Umbridge saw nothing wrong with the situation and returned to watching them with an eerie look of delight on her face.

"This is torture." Percy stated bluntly.

"It is discipline." she snapped back.

"Right. Giving children sharp pointy objects and having them carve words into their own flesh and blood through the use of magic over and over again is discipline and not a form of torture. My apologies for my lack of education in the ways of discipline." the demigod deadpanned.

Umbridge seemed keen to ignore his sarcasm and simply nodded her head and ignored him.

"Does Dumbledore know about your ideas of discipline?" Percy asked, seemingly innocently.

"Percy," Harry finally hissed. "Don't bring Dumbledore into this. Just write the bloody lines."

Percy gave a noise of displeasure but ceased to complain any further, resentfully writing the lines he'd been told to write while stubbornly refusing to acknowledge their meaning or the rash they left on his skin until at last, she allowed them to leave.


Down the halls the eavesdropper hurried, anxiety making his heart pound faster than his shoes tapped upon the ground.

He had a meeting and he dared not be late.

The destination in his mind was more private than any other and dwindled his chances of being overheard. To enter one must walk past thrice and a door would appear.

He shut the door behind him and suddenly an almost holographic image of a man ominously dressed in black appeared before him. It was a man with cruel eyes and a crooked smile. The man didn't speak, waiting for the eavesdropper to begin.

With one last shaky breath, he steeled his nerves and stood up straight. "I have something to report, Sir."

The eyes of father and son met through the hologram.

"Go on, Marcus."


After I finish Slytherin's Heir and catch up with my other stories, what would y'all say if I wanted to write a story surrounding Marcus and Zaiden's relationship?



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