Closing Note

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With that previous chapter, I announce the end of this book. However! Fear not for this is not the last you'll hear of this book.

Well, it's the last you'll hear of this book, but what I'm trying to say is there will be a book 2!

But first of all I want to set something straight. If you look on my profile you'll notice I've written a few other books. Some completed and some not. So next on my hit list are both Split Second and Remedy Rescue (#2). I'll be going MIA for a little bit while I plan out (for once lol) what I want to actually do with them.

After I finish those two, What If needs to be completed, so that will get done too. Then I need to write Sea Prince B3 and then finally I will complete this book. So bear with me, this series isn't going to be abandoned, it's just my other books need some priority time too 😅😅.

Story Update Plan:
- Split Second & Remedy Rescue
- What If
- Sea Prince B3
- Slytherin's Heir B2

You get me?


I want to say thank you to everybody who has stuck with me throughout the writing of this book. I started writing this about half way through 2018, so it's been a year and a half it doesn't feel that long what the hell—

I hope you've enjoyed the journey and I look forwards to y'all hopefully being back for the second book!

P.S if you're looking for a little something else to read scroll onwards to my "Want More" page :)



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