Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Reporting For Duty

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Down the halls the eavesdropper hurried, anxiety making his heart pound faster than his shoes tapped upon the ground.

He had a meeting and he dared not be late.

The destination in his mind was more private than any other and dwindled his chances of being overheard. To enter one must walk past thrice and a door would appear.

He shut the door behind him and suddenly an almost holographic image of a man ominously dressed in black appeared before him. It was a man with cruel eyes and a crooked smile. The man didn't speak, waiting for the eavesdropper to begin.

With one last shaky breath, he steeled his nerves and stood up straight. "I have something to report, Sir."

The eyes of father and son met through the hologram.

"Go on, Marcus."


He decided the truth would be a good start. "Voldemort has a grandson," Marcus blurted. His father was not usually one for surprise, but at this his eyebrows shot up.

"The Dark Lord? A grandson? Marcus, I do not have time for your games." The man, Zyphos Clove, growled.

"I swear it to be the truth. Ask him about his lover. She had a daughter with him. That daughter had a son and he's here at Hogwarts now," he urged, spitting out as much information as possible before he was interrupted.

Zyphos snapped, "Are you giving me orders, boy?" Marcus flinched despite himself.

"No, sir." He looked down and hid his clenched fists in his robes. There were many things Zyphos hated. Being given orders by those he thought to be lesser than himself and being second best were two of them. It was dangerous being in Marcus' position during times Zyphos felt he was being bested. Though Marcus may be his son, Zyphos had little regard for his children and all the same they were expected to succeed and perform at the highest standard. However, as of their last call, Zyphos had raged at him because Draco had managed to report more often than Marcus and the Death Eater took that as a personal offence and somehow interpreted it as being bested by a rival's child.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Zyphos' words dropped into a low rumble.

Marcus met his father's eyes. "Never, sir."

A mocking grin spread across his holographic features. "At last you put your gifts to good use. Tell me, what more do you have to share?"

Marcus presser his lips together briefly to avoid telling his father that he hadn't used his peculiar voice at all because it was better for him to think as much. He hated this 'talent', but would use it accordingly. The more his father thought he used it, the less often he actually had to.

"First I want to ask a question," said Marcus.

"You're job is not to ask questions..."

"Please, just tell me, how is Isa? Is she okay?" The next thought came unbidden to his mind. Have you harmed her?

With narrowed eyes Zyphos replied. "She is fine for now, so long as your information is sufficient." Marcus easily caught the warning in his voice.

"Thank you."

"Get on with it."

"Of course," Marcus scrambled to put his thoughts in order. "Voldemort has a grandson born from his only daughter. His name is Perseus Jackson and he's a Hufflepuff. His father seems to be out of the picture, for according to his words his father was lost at sea before he was born. He's new to the Wizarding World and Dumbledore has brought him to Hogwarts for protection from the Dark Lord. He seems intent on keeping Perseus' heritage a secret. He's seventeen but in my year group, and we share several classes. He's tall, but shorter than me, with black hair and-"

Zyphos raised a hand to indicate Marcus could stop talking and thus immediately Marcus complied.

"Your information is most intriguing. The Dark Lord shall be pleased. As you were, Marcus. We will contact you again when you are needed. Until then, keep your eyes open and don't get caught."

Marcus knew because if he did, he'd receive no help and little more than a death sentence.

The holograph flickered and died, allowing the tension to flow from Marcus' shoulders and he released a breathe he didn't realise he'd been holding. Dragging a hand through his hair he slowly wandered back to the Hufflepuff common room. Those calls, brief though they were, took a lot out of him.

Marcus spotted Zaiden residing on one of the chairs, sprawled sideways across the leather with his head lolling back over one of the armrests, his eyes closed in sleep. He really was waiting for Marcus and Percy to get back.

A tired smile graced the younger boy's features as he carefully tried to pick up Zaiden and take him back to their dorm room. It wasn't nearly as gentle as Marcus was aiming for as the Wizard was heavier than he'd been anticipating, but he managed it, and Zaiden slept on.

When he got up to leave Zaiden in his bed, two arms rose up and pulled Marcus back down. The wizard tensed, on the verge of panic until he made himself understand that it was just Zaiden, and Zaiden meant no harm.

"Zaiden-?" The question never left his lips as Zaiden hid his face in Marcus' chest, still asleep, and so Marcus resigned himself to his comfortable fate tonight. He never noticed the small, happy smile dancing on Zaiden's lips as he went back to sleep.

This was what he couldn't lose. The new family he had was why he couldn't fail. Zaiden and Isa were his world and he'd do anything to keep them from harm. Even if they learned the truth and hated him, he'd always keep them safe. Safe from the Dark Lord, the Death Eaters, his father.

Marcus' hands tightened into fists as he recalled all the damage Zyphos had done to the small boy. He'd heard the stories from Death Eaters that bragged of his father's cruelty, but never imagined he'd meet the victim himself, so many years later.

So innocent but so damaged.

And Marcus promised to watch over him, to right his father's wrongs as best he could.

He'll never hurt you again.


Ahhh my ship. So there you have it, both my boy's backstories out of the way and a chapter further explaining a couple relationships.

Posted a couple hours early but I don't really care.

Let me know what you think, I love to hear from you all.



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