Chapter Eight ~ Just A Normal Day

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Percy was shaken awake by two fully dressed twins.

"What time is it." Percy mumbled, sleep coating his voice.

"Time to get up." Fred said. He sounded too happy for whatever time of the morning it was. Percy groaned and rolled over at the unsatisfactory answer.

"C'mon mate. We're taking care of some creatures down in the drawing room." George yanked the covers away from Percy.

"Stoooop." Percy groaned as the cold attacked his skin.

"It's good for you. You can learn more about the Wizarding World this way. Droxy's won't wait forever." The twins grabbed an arm each and hauled Percy to his feet. Fred picked him up and carried the demigod down the hallway over his shoulder, and Percy was too tired to complain.

"Got him!" George called out to Mrs Weasley.

"Oh, Percy dear. Fred put him down," Fred let Percy down, who was now more in turn with his senses after a rough journey down the stairs. "Breakfast is this way, if you would like you don't have to help us clearing the creatures this time."

"Oh please, Mum. Of course he wants to join in." The twins chorused, amused grins on their faces.

"Percy?" Mrs Weasley asked, doubting her sons response.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Percy waved a hand dismissively before sitting down in the kitchen.


"Remind me what these are again." Percy said, holding a dead creature away from his body. His mouth and nose were covered in a black cloth due to what the others had been spraying around the room.

"That's a Puffskein. Put it back Percy." Hermione said. "We aren't disposing them yet." Percy put the thing back under the sofa.

"Well, Molly, I'm pretty sure this is a Boggart." Sirius peered closer the trembling desk draw. "But perhaps we ought to let Mad-Eye have a shifty at it before we let it out - knowing my mother, it could be something much worse."

"Right you are, Sirius." Mrs Weasley agreed.

Sally grabbed a surprised Percy by the shoulders and began steering him towards the door.

"Well if it is a Boggart, we'll have nothing to do with it." She said firmly.

"You can't keep me from everything Mum. What even is a Boggart?" Percy asked, planting his feet firmly.

"Something that shows your worst fears. Something you're steering clear of." Sally didn't want to see what her son had seen, nor did she want him to see anything again. As curious as she was, her son was more important. Percy was silent at the discussion of fears and allowed himself to be pushed out the door.

Harry, Hermione and Ron have each other glances of suspicion.

The bell suddenly sounded and Sirius cursed under his breath before dashing up to contain his screaming mother.

Percy found the next few days to be reasonably uneventful, other than the sound of people being yelled at and squealing creatures. There were more introductions and Percy discovered quite quickly that he greatly disliked the local house elf, Kreacher.


~ Edited by BookwormMDCCCXIII

Does anybody know how hard it is to switch between three different story crossovers with the same person with different personalities for each story and not have them cross over into the other story? I'm Split Second Percy is pretty happy for most the part, in Slytherin's Heir he's okay as well.

And then there's Sea Prince...

So if there's a pretty gloomy chapter, unless something happened in the story I probably just updated Sea Prince 😂

I-I don't know how I feel about something that I've read. I was just browsing through Percy Jackson/Harry Potter fanfictions and found one containing... Percy x Fred and George. I mean... it's interesting, and could be interesting to see how that could be formed (I mean let's face it, we ship everyone with everyone else, so this isn't the worst ship I've ever seen). This is purely out of my ridiculous curiosity but I'm tempted to tryyyyyy it... maybe, but I wanna know. How many of you would sue me for trying?

Probably all of you so scrap that.



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