Chapter Seven ~ Brewing Darkness

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Under the dark cloak of night a slim figure slipped out of an enchanted barrier.

The guardian of that barrier, a dragon, snorted a sleepy greeting to the figure. The dragon knew this boy was no threat and left him be.

The boy had been summoned. His father had a job for him.

It was safer to Shadow Travel outside of the camp boarders for there were no interrupting harpies, campers or certain doctors...

Besides, the summoning he'd received told him nobody was to know of this.

Closing his eyes, Nico felt for the shadows and set a destination for the Underworld.


"You called for me, Father?" Nico requested, bowing respectfully before the Lord of the Underworld, Hades.

"Indeed I did." Hades acknowledged. "I have a quest for you."

Nico stiffened, but knew he couldn't refuse. "Of course."

"You will be sent to the UK." Hades began. "This quest is confidential, thus nobody other than those involved may be informed." Hades said sternly. Nico nodded his understanding. "This quest brings Thanatos and I shame to have to issue, but as of recently ghosts have been stolen from my domain." Nico reeled in shock. "Ghosts of other Pantheons have been stolen as well, according to the information the Norse have given me. We have yet to catch the perpetrator, but are aware of where the ghosts are being taken. Given the laws, I cannot interfere, hence why I am sending you. These are dangerous beings, criminals from the Fields of Punishment. Aware of the risks, do you accept?"

Nico couldn't refuse either way.

How could somebody steal ghosts from right under Father's nose?

"Of course, Father. I will do my best."


~ Edited by BookwormMDCCCXIII

I might've maybe gotten a little bit caught up in Sea Prince and slightly left the other two stories behind... but now I'm going to try be a bit more balanced.

Because I'm following the book, updates take longer instead of sprouting random stuff off the top of my head. Also I promised I'd alternate between Slytherin's Heir and Split Second, so I think said previously mentioned stories will have a set updating schedule. Since today is Sunday where I am, Slytherin's Heir will update on Sundays and Split Second will update on Saturdays.

But I'm also sick, so this is short asf because I feel like crap and not like updating. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole now.



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