Chapter Twenty-One ~ The Eavesdropper

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There was one downside to having to leave class early, and alone. That was that Percy still had absolutely no idea where he was going, and he couldn't ask for help because there was nobody there to give it to him. The demigod got the feeling he certainly wouldn't receive it from Professor Umbridge. And so, he was stuck in the same predicament as he was this morning.


Percy aimlessly wandered the halls once more, hoping that the Fates would be kind enough to let him chance upon Professor McGonagall. But instead of sending him to her office, they sent him a cat. His cat to be precise.

Percy noticed the fluffy black kitten when the bundle of fur rubbed its small body against his legs, weaving between his feet. A small grin lit up his features as he knelt down to pet the kitten. It purred and pressed its head into his palm, nudging for attention. "Hello there, what brings you here?" Percy asked, his anger gradually diminishing. Of course, he wasn't expecting an answer, nor did he get one.

Suddenly, the cat seemed to snap out of its joy and with a sharp meow broke away, stalking down the otherwise empty corridor. Percy watched the cat go, a feeling of confusion bubbling up.

Okay then?

The cat seemed to notice Percy was still kneeling with his hand out where he'd been petting it. She doubled back and curled around his ankles before heading back down the corridor.

"You want me to follow you?" he asked. He received a sharp meow in response and he decided to take that as a yes.

Given he was already lost, he figured 'what's the harm in that?' and followed the cat down the corridor. He spoke out loud absentmindedly as they walked, "You know, I should really give you a name."

The cat kept slinking along, twisting its head slightly in what almost seemed to be a mockery of human curiosity.

"How about.... Yeah no, not that." Percy hadn't even finished his thought out loud before deciding against it. He made a list of names in his head as demigod and cat lost themselves in the maze of Hogwarts, neither walking at a hurried pace.

"How about 'Nightshade'?" he finally asked. He got in return a content purr. Percy had no idea if that was actually because she liked the name or because... well... he didn't know. So he shrugged, "Nightshade it is then."

Soon they were outside a set of old, heavy doors that Nightshade began to scratch at. "Hey! Don't do that!" Percy scolded as he bent down to pick up the cat. At that moment, the door opened and Percy found himself staring at feet obscured by robes. He looked up to see Professor McGonagall. "Ah...sorry. That Umbridge lady sent me here." His eyes narrowed at the thought of her once more.

Professor McGonagall ushered the demigod into her office and closed the door behind him. He found Harry sitting in a chair munching on a biscuit and decided to mimic the other boy. Nightshade curled up in his lap once he was settled.

Harry instantly brought up a question. "But Professor, shouldn't Percy be sent to Professor Sprout if he gets in trouble?"

"What makes you think I got in trouble? Maybe I'm just too awesome to handle so she sent me out to save herself." Harry pulled a face at Percy's words.

"Mr. Jackson is a bit more of a special case, thus it has been requested that any mishaps are reported to me, rather than Professor Sprout." said McGonagall as she lowered herself into another chair. "I take it you've been sent here for the same reason as Potter."

Percy shrugged and handed over the detention notice he'd been written. McGonagall closed her eyes and sighed. "You two are just as bad as each other. Is it so hard to stay out of trouble?"

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