Chapter Nine ~ Dam Early Mornings

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That night Harry had slept terribly, plagued with worry for the day ahead of him. If things went wrong at his trial he could be expelled from Hogwarts! Then where would he go? Going back to the Dursley's so soon would be absolute torture, although perhaps he could take Sirius up on his offer of staying with him in the house. Surely the animagus got lonely and could use the company.

After deciding at 5:30am that he was not getting more sleep any time soon, Harry pulled himself out of bed and into the clothes left for him at the end of the bed. He yawned to chase the clinging sleep away as he trudged downstairs and into the kitchen.

There, he was surprised to find another dark haired boy already there, looking half asleep himself and ready to face plant into the bowl of cereal on the table before him.

The boy didn't look up as Harry grabbed a piece of toast off the plate in the middle of the table and sat down next to him. He looked so lost in thought, with dark bags under his eyes.

"Uh, Percy right?" Harry asked, feeling awkward in the stretching silence. Percy jolted and whipped his head to the side to face Harry.

Percy sighed. "Yeah, sorry. Lost in thought."

"I could tell. I wasn't expecting you to be down here already. The twins had to wake you up the other day." Harry remarked, recalling the image of Fred carrying Percy down the stairs.

Percy laughed a little. "One of the rare days I sleep that well." Then he sighed again, remembering something Harry wasn't privy to.

"Rough night then?" Harry asked, nibbling on the edge of his toast. He wasn't really all that hungry, too nervous to eat something proper, but it gave him something to do with himself.

"Yeah, you could say that. Mrs Weasley was awake already. She made the toast. I'd probably burn it. What 'bout you? You're up pretty early yourself." It took a while for Harry to get used to Percy's American accent, it being vastly different to his own.

This time it was Harry's turn to sigh. "Couldn't sleep. Too nervous."

Percy frowned. "Why?"

"I have this wizard trial today. I'm being accused of something that's being put way out of proportion." Harry grumbled as he recalled the night he and Dudley had been attacked by the dementor. That creature escaping Azkaban was what started all of his troubles. But funnily enough, nobody believed him.

Percy winced. He knew what it felt like, being put under scrutiny because of something nobody believed the other side of. There were always three sides to a story, but sometimes it's a story nobody wants to hear.

"What about you? Why can't you sleep?" Harry asked. This guy had practically come out of nowhere, seemingly new to the wizarding world, and was stuck in with a bunch of strangers. Well, except for the twins, who seemed to know him. And if Percy was friends with the twins, he couldn't be all that bad, so what was the harm in trying to get to know him?

"Nightmares." Percy grumbled. This time it was Harry who could sympathise. Percy gave off this kind of aura, a feeling that you could trust him and talk to him even though Harry didn't even know him. For some reason it just put the wizard's mind at ease and calmed his nerves.

"I get-"

"Harry!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed upon walking into the kitchen and seeing Harry, unknowingly cutting the boy off. "You're up early." She noted.

Harry scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah. Couldn't sleep."

"Yes, the nerves. I understand dear." She said. Mrs Weasley picked up a comb and began fussing over Harry's hair. The wizard winced as the brush tugged on all the morning knots. "Oh, doesn't it ever lie flat?" She asked exasperatedly, patting down the thick mass of hair.

Harry shook his head. He scowled at Percy who was watching on with amusement shining in his eyes and fighting back a grin at the woman's motherly antics. Mrs Weasley saw it too.

"Don't fret Percy, you're next." Percy's expressions changed to that of wide-eyed and alert.

"Uh, actually, I think I had something to do up-" Percy never got to finish as another person walked into the room and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"J-just give up mate. She'll c-catch you anyway." A yawning Tonks said. Harry grinned at Percy's defeated look.

"What could I possibly be doing today that requires me to look presentable?" Percy complained, slumping down in his seat.

"You need to get your supplies today. You'll be going to to Diagon Alley." Mrs Weasley informed, giving up on Harry's head of hair and moving on to Percy's.

"Die-a where now!?" Percy blinked.

"You'll love it. Everybody does." Harry said. At that moment Mr. Weasley came into the room, giving his wife a quick peck on the lips.

"Morning. Morning Harry, Percy, Tonks." He greeted. "Harry, you ready to go? We might be late otherwise."

"Already?" Harry asked. He'd been hoping to have a bit more time. Harry'd hardly done anything wrong, but who knew how the Ministry would twist it?

"Just a tip," Percy spoke, gaining everybody's attention. "Try stay calm. This may be hypocritical of me, but try not to lose your temper and blow up on them. You'll get through it." He said with a reassuring smile that was cut off by a wince as Mrs Weasley tugged a little too hard on his hair, finding herself faced with the same problem as she had with Harry. Harry gave Percy a queasy one back.

It was settled. Mr. Weasley would take Harry to his trial and Percy would go to this Diagon Alley.

And finally it was time to part ways.


Just a nice bonding chapter to ease back into things. Hope it's not too disappointing 😅.

I will be back next Sunday!



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