Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The Forbidden's Warning

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The weeks past with a heavy air of solemnity clouding the group of teenagers. While the students involved with the DA remained nervously excited, they couldn't help but pick up on the low spirits of their leaders. Especially these two new teens who had been introduced as friends from outside Hogwarts. They were unforgettably the people who barged in on their meeting at Hogs Head.

They didn't attend the school themselves, but they were called in from the outside. Although many found it suspicious, given the rules of Hogwarts, they had no choice really but to let it slide.

The two blondes, Annabeth and Will, helped take small groups and teach them self defence and basic first aid. It helped to take the pressure off Harry as he taught the students proper defence against the dark arts methods. They rotated every now and again, and these meetings continued on.

However, behind the scenes, the group of insiders were still plotting how to rescue Percy and Nico. Annabeth wanted to go scout the place out, Harry was ready to just barge in there and Isa was right on his tail. Marcus didn't want to go at all.

Obviously, they couldn't just charge in. That was the equivalent of a suicide mission. What did they expect would happen if a bunch of teenagers waltzed into the Dark Lord's house? They could only hope that Percy and Nico were as safe as could be until they were rescued.

The time was drawing nearer, and soon enough their plan would be complete. Marcus had provided surprisingly helpful information as to the layout of the mansion, after being urged on by Zaiden.

When it was only a couple days till they put their plan into action, Annabeth could feel the tension string her tight like a bowstring. In order to escape the anxious atmosphere, she slipped out of the castle when night descended.

Her midnight escapade wasn't missed by Will, who quickly caught up to her. The two walked in companionable silence until their feet breached the boarder of the Forbidden Forest. Annabeth stared into its dark folds of hollows and groves. She asked the forest a silent question, followed closely by a prayer for his safety.

Where is he?

Please be okay, just hold on a little while longer!

"Meow!" A soft cat call sounded nearby, turning Annabeth's head.

Will reached out to pet the cat, but was rejected for Annabeth. "What's Nightshade doing out here?"

Annabeth shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe she followed us out?"

She was almost indistinguishable from the darkness of night with her ebony coat. Nightshade bumped her head against Annabeth's leg before darting into the forest. "Ah! Wait!"

As a cat with a reputation for leading the way, Annabeth didn't hesitate to follow, dragging Will along behind her.

"I hate to protest here, really, but there's probably a reason the students avoid this place, which means that as demigods, we definitely should too," Will reasoned. He jumped over a sudden dip in the ground as he stumbled after Annabeth.

"And if we get answers?"

"This is why demigods have a high risk of death..." Will muttered under his breath.

By the time they stopped for breath, Nightshade was long gone from view, and both blondes were incomprehensibly lost.

"Which way did we come from?"

"I don't know..."

"..." Will bit his lip and glanced around. They'd come to a clearing within the forest. He knew where they'd come in, but as for how far back he could track, night time made things a different story compared to day time. "Why did we chase the cat again?'

Annabeth scowled.

Will raised his hands in surrender. "Look, Annabeth, I get how you feel, I really do. Nico's trapped too, remember? But getting lost in the woods chasing cats isn't going to get us anywhere."

She collapsed on a broken tree stump and buried her face in her hands. "I just need to find Percy. He can't be gone. Not again."


Both demigods shot upright at the noise of something approaching. "Who's there?" Will demanded.

"What are two children doing in the woods?" A centaur stepped into view, towering at over seven feet tall. His white blonde hair framed his face while astonishingly blue eyes peered at them with curiosity.

"You're a centaur," Annabeth blurted.

He looked amused. "Indeed I am, young one. I am Firenze, what brings you to the Forbidden Forest?"

Annabeth looked at her feet. How stupid would it sound for her to say they got lost in the Forbidden Forest because they were chasing a cat?

On the other hand, Will had no qualms about admitting that. "We were chasing a cat. She belongs to a friend of ours who's-" he hesitated for a moment, "-missing."

Firenze turned his head to the patchy sky. They could only catch glimpses of it through the cracks of trees. "I see... the stars are changing. Something is coming."

The two demigods frowned, feeling ever so slightly confused.

"Your friend, he has dark hair and peculiar green eyes?" Firenze questioned.

Annabeth stood up straighter. "How did you know?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He gave her a knowing smile. "I was summoned to the edge of the forest by the very same cat. Your friend was kidnapped along the boarder."

"From the boarder?"

"Somebody carried him from inside Hogwarts and gave him to another, who took him away."

Will demanded, "What did that person look like?"

Firenze tapped his chin in thought. "He was a tall, pale boy. Hard to see from a distance, but his hair was a little shorter than mine, tied back."

Annabeth's mouth dropped open. She may not know a lot of Hogwarts students, but she certainly was aware of somebody who fit that description. If Nightshade was there... she acted so cagey towards him, like some form of wordless warning.

The two demigods glanced at each other, seeming to understand without speaking.

The person who kidnapped Percy...



My apologies, I know I said I'd try update quickly and this update wasn't exactly.... quick.

On the other hand, however, now I'm working full time from 7:30am to 4:30pm in the vineyard so every day I get home and feel pretty dead and getting up at 6am every morning means I sleep pretty quick at night - when I do most of my writing 😅.

I was intending to update on Saturday, but I was babysitting all day, and on Sunday I was celebrating my birthday so a little full on lately. I'll try my best to get the next chapter out soon too, because thank the gods, I'm not working on Christmas or Boxing Day 😪



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