Chapter Fifteen ~ The Mute Boy

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As the sun sank from view, Percy was introduced to his newest roommates. Aside from Zaiden, there were three others, making Percy the fifth.

Three pairs of eyes looked at him curiously, wondering about the newcomer. Of course they all knew there was another person yet to arrive because their stuff was on the extra bed. One in particular, who was nearly as short as Zaiden, looked extremely unhappy about Percy's appearance. The first thing he said upon opening his mouth was, "Where'd Eddy go?"

Percy blinked. "Who?"

Another boy put his hand on the kid's shoulder. "Eddy's been our roommate for the last few years. And uh... well... You're not... him."

"Uh... no. I don't think so. I'm Percy Jackson." Percy held out his hand to shake. The shorter one reluctantly took it.

"Valador Smith." He grumbled. Clearly he was none to impressed about having his old roommate replaced. He was a bronze skinned boy with auburn coloured hair styled into a fohawk and earthy brown eyes. The boy was barely taller than Zaiden and didn't look to thrilled at how Percy towered over him.

"I'd shake your hand but... uh... they're kind of... always sweaty." The other kid muttered. "But I'm uh... Callum. Callum Oritz." Percy offered the boy a smile instead of shaking his hand. The boy was certainly on the chubby side and of average height. His eyes were the same shade of brown as his hair and it flopped over his eyes. He was quick to retreat to his already messy bed. There were books strewn about on the bedsheets with a couple loose pieces of paper lying carelessly on the floor.

The last boy was taller than the rest of his roommates, perhaps even a little taller than Percy. His longer black hair was pulled back in a small ponytail at the base of his skull and his eyes were a striking shade of icy blue. The boy was rather pale and well built. He introduced himself. "I'm Marcus Ingram. Welcome to Hufflepuff." He gave Percy a chilling smile that made him feel anything but welcome as he stepped forwards and shook the demigod's hand. He had a surprisingly firm grasp.

Soon it was time for lights out. The atmosphere in the room had been awkward on account of everybody knowing each other and Percy being an outsider. How were they supposed to talk about things- possibly secrets, when a stranger was there?

Everybody crawled into bed and Percy shoved his trunk under his bed, pjs in hand.

"You're not getting changed in here?" Asked Valador. He'd been eyeing Percy's cat the whole evening with a dirty look. The kitten had been climbing over Percy's lap, weaving in between his arms and around his waist. Come to think of it, Percy still had yet to name her.

"Nah. I'll just get dressed in the bathroom." Percy said, plopping the cat down on the bed.

Valador shrugged. "You're just as weird as Marcus."

Percy's eyebrows furrowed. Marcus had disappeared for a little while not long after introductions and come back in his pjs.

The reason Percy did it was to hide his scars. There was no reason for the others to know. Not to mention that it would almost certainly arouse questions about his past Percy didn't want to answer. Which made him all the more suspicious of Marcus. Clearly he was either self conscious enough to leave the room or he had something to hide as well. Something that marred his skin.

By the time Percy was dressed and climbed into bed, everybody else was already sleeping- or at least, pretending to be.

But one bed was empty.

Zaiden's bed was still made, but crinkled where he'd been silently sitting during earlier conversation.

Percy left the room in search of the boy. He found the strawberry blonde haired boy behind one of the furniture accessories in the Common Room with a handful of food. Zaiden's eyes widened as he tilted his head back and saw Percy standing there. The boy scrambled to his feet, hiding the food behind his back and quickly wiping the crumbs away from his mouth.

"What are you doing out here?" Percy frowned. "I thought you would've eaten at dinner."

Zaiden couldn't meet the demigod's eyes. He looked down, ashamed and embarrassed and clearly thinking something over. Then he stepped closer to the demigod.

Because of his short stature Zaiden had to look up to meet Percy's eyes. Although he still wouldn't meet those and settled for staring at the older boy's nose. He slowly opened his mouth and Percy blinked, thoroughly confused.

That was, until he saw what was so different.

It was hard to see in the low lighting of the Common Room, but soon Percy spotted it.

The boy had no tongue.

When realisation dawned on Percy's face, Zaiden closed his mouth and stepped away.

"I- how-" Percy took a moment to compose himself. "So you can't speak?"

The boy shook his head sadly. He fiddled with his fingers as he waited for Percy to say something more. Something mean, more than likely.

"That's gotta be tough. But can't you learn to speak without a tongue... or... something?" Again, Zaiden shook his head, on the verge of tears. He pulled down his shirt to his collarbone and revealed a white scar that ran across his throat.

His vocal chords had been damaged.

"You live in a world of magic, couldn't you just get all that healed?" Percy asked. Perhaps it was an insensitive thing to say. If Zaiden hadn't done that already there had to be a reason. The boy's lip curled and his vigorously shook his head.

'No.' He mouthed.

His reaction told Percy that it wasn't simply that he couldn't get it healed, but for some reason he didn't want it healed.

Percy could only imagine how difficult it would be to eat without a tongue, explaining why the boy waited until everybody was asleep.

"If you think I'm going to judge you for something you've got no control over, you're wrong." Zaiden slowly rose his head to meet Percy's eyes. Two different shades of green meeting. "You can't help what happened to you, and yet you keep living. You're coping with it. You don't flaunt that you survived what happened to you. You just... are. You don't act like you expect to be given special treatment. And Zaiden, I don't think that makes you weak, or any less of a person. I think that makes you strong."

Zaiden's faded green eyes welled up with tears and a few salty droplets rolled down his cheeks. He gave Percy a shaky smile and Percy returned it, his own full of warmth. The boy offered him a cracker from his collection of food which Percy happily took. He'd missed out on dinner due to his own private sorting ceremony.

The two sat in the common room until a little past midnight, playing small games that required little talk. When both went to bed they were asleep almost the moment their heads touched their pillows.


Ajsfk. I have so much angsty tragic back story for a couple of characters but I can't share it yetttttttt.

But know this.

I have plans people. Plans.



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