Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Join The Dark Side

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A grin stretched across the creature's features, making him look all the more terrifying. "Please, sit. I've been waiting to meet you. There is much to discuss."

And so, Percy sat.


Once he had, Percy suddenly blurted a barrage of words in the creature's face. "What am I doing here? Why is everything in this place so old? Where am I? Are you gonna eat me? What happened to your nose-?"

"Silence!" Voldemort hissed at him. "Such insolent questions."

Pale spindly fingers massaged his temples as he sighed. Already Voldemort could foresee a future full of migraines in the presence of this child.

"I do not believe Dumbledore would have kept you in the dark regarding your heritage. You must know who I am."

"Yeah, I do. Big baddy who wants to dominate the world - what's new?" Percy couldn't help it. Sarcasm was his defence and people who thought they held power over him just because they were big shots annoyed the hell out of him.

"Oh but Perseus-"

"It's Percy," he said, stubbornly folding his arms. The creature pinned him with a glare and Percy returned it with stony silence.

"Percy, my plans are so much more than such simple trifles. What I seek is everlasting life. The power to conquer death. Think, Percy, think of a life where nobody has to die, where one can rejoice eternally. Is there something wrong with wishing to obtain that?" Voldemort turned his expectant gaze on Percy.

"Maybe, but from my perspective, immortality sucks. Why would you want to live forever? If we were meant to be immortal, we would already be immortal," Percy reasoned. All times he'd been offered immortality he'd denied. Why? Because it would mean leaving your loved ones behind, time and time again, doomed to live your life in miserable isolation, and Percy couldn't do that. He didn't want to live forever.

Voldemort spoke of immortality for everyone, but Percy knew this dark wizard would never offer it to those who didn't meet his standards. Percy decided to raise this point. "And what of people who aren't purebloods?"

A scowl flashed across Voldemort's features before it was gone. "What of them?"

"What happens to them? From what I've heard you don't exactly play nice with literally anybody that's not a pureblood."

Voldemort waved a dismissive hand. "They'll have their chances if that's what you wish. But for most the part they'll be in their rightful places."

Well, that sounds like a Hitler 2.0 if I ever saw one.

Percy's eyebrows rose. "'If I wish'? What exactly are you getting at?"

"As my grandson, it would only be fitting that you stand by my side," Voldemort said, leaning forwards. He looked eager, his eyes alight with anticipation.

"No," Percy said flatly.

Voldemort sighed and leaned back in his chair. His dark robes rustled with his every move. They drowned his skeletal figure in shadows. "You will see it my way soon enough." The creature spoke as if he were speaking to a naive child that didn't understand what it was being told, as if there were no other possible view things could be seen from but his own. "We'll need to wash Dumbledore's lies from your head first."

Percy didn't like the sound of that, and his hands tightened on the armrests.

"Relax," Voldemort waved his hand and stood. He glided across the room and stood by a door. "Follow," he said.

Seeing no other option, Percy sucked in a breath and did exactly that. "Where are we going? Are you going to try to murder me now? Or put some spell on me to make me-"

"Be quiet or I will make you." Percy wisely kept his mouth shut after that.


Silence slithered around their heels as they walked through the corridors. Percy lagged behind his grandfather by at least a meter at all times until they stopped. Percy looked up in surprise, recognising the door. Personally, Percy had thought that after all of Voldemort's ominous words the creature would be taking him somewhere all doom and gloom and deliver the typical evil monologue that started and ended with 'join me and we'll rule the world together'. But no, he'd merely been lead back to where he started - his room.

Well, Percy was assuming it was his room. Unless he was staying in the basement.

Voldemort swung open the door. "I am not going to force your hand, but I assure you that you'll come to see it from my view. Merely give it time. At my side you shall suffer no harm."

"I doubt it," Percy said stiffly, not moving an inch.

Voldemort decided that for now, it would be better to drop the topic. "You are not confined to your room and are free to explore the manor - granted you do not attempt to leave or communicate outside or your efforts will promptly be snuffed out."

"How reassuring," Percy muttered sarcastically, pushing past his grandfather to enter the room. The less time spent around that creature the better.

"You will find it in your interests to join my side eventually, grandson." The word grandson sounded awkward and foreign coming from Voldemort's mouth.

"In your dreams," he retorted.

"Good thing I like making my dreams reality," said Voldemort, finally fishing back some kind of remark.

Percy snorted. "Maybe you should start dreaming of a nose job then. Oh wait-" he sniggered.

The door quivered in its frame as without a further word it was slammed shut.

Percy collapsed backwards on the cushiony old bed, a smile painted on his face as he thought of his comeback. Voldemort was not the first to tempt him to their side, and sadly would probably not be the last. But he was determined to never give in.

I'm not scared of you.


That sassy enough for y'all? I wanted for Percy to get over the momentary impact first before being sassy.

Sorry the chapter's a little on the short side.



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