Chapter Six ~ Midnight Messages

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The twin's bedroom was devoid of people. No Fred, nor George in sight.

But he was positive he saw them enter here.

Had Percy taken a wrong turn somewhere?

There was a sudden 'CRACK' and Percy yelled as a hand covered his mouth from behind.

"Mmfph!" He struggled.

"Shhh!" A vaguely familiar voice whispered from in front of him.

"Borge?" He tried announcing and failing. Percy could feel his racing heartbeat slow.

"Let go of him Fred." George said.

"Aye, aye." Fred's voice came from behind him and the hand was removed.

"Where did you go? Actually, no. Where did you even come from?" Percy whisper-yelled.

"Well, we came from our parents-"

"-But we were just in Harry and Ron's room." The started and finished.


"Why else?"

"To discuss."

"Come along now." Fred grabbed Percy's arm firmly and Percy felt the room dissapate around him. He stumbled and gasped for breath when they appeared in what Percy gathered was Harry and Ron's room. Hermione and Ginny weren't there. Percy really had to get used to the whole 'Apparation' thing. Percy lost his balance for a moment, a surprised look overcoming his features before he fell off the bed.

"OUCH!" Ron yelped, rather loudly.

"Keep your voice down, Ron, or Mum'll be back up here!"

"You two just Apparated on my knees!"

"Yeah, well, it's harder in the dark."

Once everybody was settled, and Ron's poor knees were freed of strife they began discussing what they had been told that night.

"So, got there yet?" George demanded immediately. As a matter of fact, everybody was curious.

"The weapon Sirius mentioned?" Harry asked, confirming that was the current topic before rambling off about something completely unrelated to what was on their minds. Earlier in the evening Sirius mentioned that Voldemort was looking for a weapon.

"Let slip, more like." Fred snorted, recalling how Sirius had been reprinded for mentioning it. "We didn't hear about that on the old Extendables, did we?"

"What d'you reckon it is?" Harry wondered, curiousity filling his voice as he shuffled about under the covers. Percy wished he'd stop moving for he sat squashed between Harry and the wall. Most uncomfortable.

"Could be anything." Fred said vaguely.

"But there can't be anything worse than the Avada Kedavra Curse, can there?" said Ron, hoping this wasn't true. "What's worse than death?"

So far Percy had been silent throughout the exchange, but at this he snorted. "There's plenty worse you can do to a person without killing them." Percy said grimly. The boys started at his dark words.

"Well, I suppose he's got the Cruciatus Curse for causing pain." Harry shuddered.

"Maybe it's something that can kill lots of people at once?" George thought aloud.

"Guessing will get us nowhere. This weapon could be anywhere. Let's just hope somebody on our side finds it before Voldemort does." Percy said. Fred, George and Ron flinched. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Ignore them." Harry said. "Nobody says Voldemort's name. There's this saying that if you say his name he can find you anywhere and listen in on your conversations. It's stupid really. People just call him 'You Know Who' or 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' instead. If you say his name people flinch or act like you've offended their great grandmother." Harry explained.

"Well for somebody called 'He Who Must Not Be Named', this guy sure has a lot of names." Percy snorted.

The conversation went on for some time before Percy was forced to endure another round of Apparation when Mrs Weasley came back up the stairs, checking to see that everyone was actually sleeping and not talking. The time for Fred, George and Percy to talk would have to wait until later.


~ Edited by BookwormMDCCCXIII

Hey guys, this update is for MythDefender because it's their birthday today! (Well, it still is where I am and when this was updated anyway). SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Also, another thing I have to adress. I have the main plot line, and at this stage it looks pretty good, but what I want to know, is what you guys want to see appear in this story. So let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do. But nothing that becomes part of the main plot, so small things like an incident, or something that happens in class or so on.

Can't wait to hear your ideas!



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