Chapter Eleven ~ Why Pink?

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Percy, his arms laden with books, turned towards the direction of the counter. However he didn't see the woman clad in pink before him until he crashed into her, sending them both sprawling.


Every book Percy had been holding had flown back into his face, leaving Percy with a few extra bruises and an aching nose.

"Percy!" Sally exclaimed as she started picking the books up off her son. He sat up feeling a little dazed and shook his head.

Percy stood up, brushed himself off and offered a hand down to the pink woman whom he'd collided with.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see-"

"You should be far careful where you're walking young man!" She snapped at him, ignoring his outstretched arm and picking herself up. She flattened down her clothing and glared at him.

"I'm sorry-"

"And you, if you're son is that clumsy you might as well keep him on a leash! If he were my son, or one of my students then I would-"

"Hey." Percy spoke. It wasn't said very loud, but still the ranting woman stopped. "I said I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. There's no need to snap at my mom. She didn't do anything and the blame is entirely on me." He said. The words seemed innocent enough, but the undertone of a dangerous threat was immediately obvious.

The woman stood straighter. If she were a bird, Percy could imagine her feathers becoming ruffled at the threat, however in reality she looked idiotic as she tried to stand up to Percy though her legs were slightly shaking.

Suddenly her eyes caught the titles on his books.

"You're a fifth year at Hogwarts aren't you?" She demanded. Peering back up at him she scowled. "You look a little old to be a fifth year. Held back were you? I know a trouble maker when I see one."

"Gee thanks." Percy grumbled. He went to brush past her but she blocked his way. Percy could feel his anger rising. How could knocking into someone cause such an issue!?

"If you want to dismiss me, a professor at Hogwarts, I will not hesitate to give you detention before you even get there. You wouldn't want to start the year that way, would you?"

Percy rolled his eyes and out on a sarcastic voice. "Oh no! Of course not! I apologise professor." She actually looked satisfied for a moment before Percy snorted. "Do what you like."

While she was stunned, Percy took his chance to sweep past her, Sally following close behind with a disapproving stare.

"What?" He shrugged innocently, dumping his armful of books on the table.

Sally sighed. "Nothing." Before turning to pay for the books with the foreign wizard currency. Percy heard her mutter "May the gods be with you this year." And Percy couldn't help but grin.


When Percy and Sally got home, they arrived to a lot of noise. Of course, Percy was getting used to it, but he was worried they would set Mrs Black off again. The demigod hero recognised the voices as the twins'. They were singing something along the lines of "He got off! He got off!"

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