Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Yeah, That's His Grandfather...

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After running into Marcus at Hog's Head and regrouping, it had been decided that their rescue group would be extended to Marcus and Zaiden. However, nobody seemed to have an inkling as to where Percy had disappeared to and Annabeth couldn't help but worry. For the moment her attempts to communicate with the green-eyed demigod had been fruitless. So for now, with great reluctance, she tucked away her worries for Percy long enough to explain their situation to the two newcomers.

As she, Isa and Will explained what had happened with Nico, Marcus felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Father is unaware of your friendship with this person, right?"

Isa bit her lip. Of course, Zyphos could possibly work it out if he thought hard enough about it. Bellatrix had caught Nico in the midst of attempting to shadow travel away, and Zyphos was aware Isa would never be able to sneak out on her own - especially given the new ghost guards on their land. "I suppose not..."

Marcus began hesitantly, "Then couldn't you just... leave him there?"

Isa's eyes went wide as she blew up on her brother. "Of course not! He saved me, I can't just leave him in their hands! And what if Percy's missing because they took him too? If it were me, you would come back for me!"

"But they're not you!" Marcus bit back, frustratedly throwing his hands in the air. "This Nico kid saved you once, so why can't you just stay saved and let him take care of himself? Why do you insist on digging your nose into everything!?"

She stared at her brother with cold, disbelieving eyes. Lowly, she spoke, "I can't believe you of all people would be willing to leave him at their mercy."

Marcus flinched, his face draining of colour as he looked away. His voice was weak and spoke levels of hurt when he responded. "I just want you to be safe, Isa. Is that too much to ask? Did you ever think that maybe it's precisely because I know what they're like that I don't want to risk you waltzing right in there?"

Zaiden's eyebrows bunched together in concern as he put a gentle hand on the younger boy's shoulder. He was incredibly confused. He knew Marcus had a younger sister, for he spoke of her often. However, he could tell Marcus' home life couldn't be the best for he became cold and closed off when questioned about it. What he didn't know, was that it was because Marcus was too afraid to mention even the slightest detail about it to Zaiden least the boy discover who was behind the tragedy so many years ago.

"Hold on a minute here," Annabeth interrupted. "Who exactly are these people? Because the whole way here, nobody's explained much to us. All we know is Nico was kidnapped and we're getting him back."

Isa diverted her attention from her brother. She was stubbornly holding her ground about going to save Nico and was happy to move on from the argument before it got to the stage where she wouldn't be going. "'They' are the Dark Lord and his followers. He's notorious for his cruelty and quest for immortality. He'd happily kill anybody who isn't a pureblood.

Annabeth's eyes went wide. "The Dark Lord?"

Will turned his gaze to her. "You know who they are?"

Quickly she stood, tugging Will's sleeve as she did so. She pulled him aside and explained to him in hushed whispers. "Percy told me the Dark Lord is the reason he got pulled into all of this."

"What, like a quest? Because Nico's quest landed him kidnapped. Maybe it's the same?" Will hastily tried connecting the dots in his head.

"No, no, no," Annabeth denied, waving her hands about. "His grandfather, Will. The Dark Lord is Percy's grandfather."

Will's jaw dropped. "His what!?"

"Keep your voice down!" Annabeth hissed.

Will repeated, quieter, "His what!?" and after a stern look from Annabeth, "Okay, okay, sorry. So he's like Kronos?"

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