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"I don't understand where are you coming from with these accusations." She said as she crossed her arms out of annoyance. The taller man let out a loud chuckle, of which showed no signs of humor.

"It's not just accusations. These are the fucking facts. You just need to sit down and admit that one you were wrong and two that you fucked up big time." He said as hatred smoothly rolled off his tongue.

"Man fuck you and fuck this shit." She replied as she sucked her teeth. She quickly turned on her heels but was stopped as his hand quickly clasped onto her arm.

"Just admit what you did so we can move on from this shit." He said as he let out a sigh. The woman rolled her eyes as moved her self out of his grip.

"You always want to be in control. Since you want to be fucking control. Here look this shit and yes I did it."

"You did what?"

"I fucking cheated on this round of monopoly... put me in jail if you have too fine but I don't even care about this game anymore."

Welcome my beautiful people to my 13th book on this crazy app we call wattpad. Due to me not knowing what I want to do with my life, I've decided to start a new imagines book. However, this time is different. This book will feature any man, woman, dog or cat you want to see.

Well, maybe not dog or cat unless they are like prop characters because that would be extremely weird.

Enough on that. This book will be a place where I test new writing prompts, challenge myself to tap into new characters and try to improve and enhance how I write about our fan favs.

Right here, you can comment on the list of people you want to be featured in this book. It can be anybody except that extension cord dude, all the lil's that look that would give you nightmares, anybody that got sexual assault charges on them.. etc.

Now, it would be wrong of me to publish a new book and not give you guys the opportunity to put in some requests. However, this time there is a little spin, or contest to it since I do not want to be overwhelmed with a heap of requests to fill out.


This 'Imagine Contenst", 10 lucky readers will get their personalized imagines written in this book. In order to be eligble to participate in this contest, you have to do the following:

1. Fill out the request form*

2. Comment on two of my stories (Awkward, Extra Deep, Kings, Queens or Bam) {comment has to be new}

3. Comment the funniest quote from a NBA player.

*Please fill out the request form in one comment.


Face claim
Love interest (s)
Explicit or Non-Explicit

*Please make sure the scenario isn't a common one or that it is extremely interesting in order to get one of the 10 slots.

Contest ends on Saturday 9th June 2018 at 12:00pm EST.
Any submitions after that will be invalid

If you are new to my writings, make sure to check out my following books:

NBA/NCAA Imagines
NBA/NCAA Imagines II
Groupchat Chronicles: We Are Family
Kam Writes
Extra Deep
Kings (Book I)
Queens (Book II)
Parle (this is an important book to add to your library as I give daily updates)


Have a wonderful evening.

Much Love, Kam

ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now