[17] In the Heat of the Night

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She: you
He: whoever you want it to be 🤷🏾‍♀️

In the Heat of the Night

"I don't understand what's happening to my body? It's like I'm an animal in heat." She groaned to her best friend as she paced around her campus apartment. The deep chuckles of her best friend rang through the phone as she let out another sigh.

"It's not funny." She frustratedly yelled back, slightly pulling at her hair.

"Okay okay. It's not funny." He said as he continued to laugh. "Did you even try to masturbate?"

"Three times for the day already. I can't keep shoving my fingers up there every hour." She said with an eye roll.

"Ooo girl you are on a different level of horny." He cackled. "Find you one of them niggas on campus to fix you up."

"You know I'm picky and anti social ." She sighed. Her face scrunched up in disgust when a thought, that she would never thought she would think of, pass her mind.

"Oh hell nah girl. You horny not stupid." She mumbled to herself making him laugh.

"What random shit did your brain think of now?" He asked, knowing she was the type to over think.

"Dude, I just had the thought of going by... yeah."

"Please don't tell me you were thinking about that dude you argue with every other day?" He asked before laughing out loud. "Okay you're losing it."

"Maybe I am, but I don't talk to no one else." She whined.

"That's your fault." He snickered.

"So, what about you then?" Her question was met with a paused before he sucked his teeth.

"You don't want these problems."

"Well my vagina does. Plus it's just one time and I trust you. Pretty please. For me and my aching pussy?" She pleaded.

"Since you said please. I'll be by the building in ten. Be downstairs to let me in." He said before hanging up. She did a little celebratory dance before rushing to get ready for a night of events.

"I damn well know that random ass white bitch ain't-" She stopped his rant as she kissed his lips and pushed his body against the door. His hands found it's place on her ass, rubbing it slowly through the fabric of her shorts.

"Wait." He mumbled as he pulled away. "You're suite mates." She let out a deep sigh before pulling him into her room. When the door closed, he had her against the wall,staring into her dark brown orbs.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked as he played with the waist band of her shorts.

"I'm a thousand percent sure. Please just have me." He listened to her commands as he pulled down her shorts. Turning her body around, he pressed her front against the cold wall as his warm lips attacked her neck. Soft moans left her plump lips as his index and pointer fingers rubbed her soaking pussy bellow.

"Why are you teasing?" She complaining in a moan as he started to kiss down the back of her body. She felt his smirk on her back, but was met with silence as an answer. As his lips reached right above her ass, he opened her legs wider and arched her back.

"Ooooo." She moaned out as she felt his tongue graze her slit. Her body started to shake at his action as it haven't experienced it in a long time. He gripped his hands on her thighs and started to slurp her juices from behind, still rubbing her sensitive clit. Her eyes slowly rolled to the back of her head as her moans went up octave levels.

Enjoying the sounds, he spread her cheeks wider and sunk too fingers into her wet hole. Her body jumped, then melting back into his fingers as the new wave of pleasure took over her body.

"You like that shit huh." He chuckled before sending a firm slap to her ass. She nodded her, as her mind wasn't able to produce an audible response. She was so into a state of bliss, that she didn't notice him spreading her cheeks wider, sinking his tongue into her other hole.

Her eyes widen like a deer in a headlight as she quickly grabbed his head, pushing for him to go deeper. Her moans and his grunts mixing with the slushy sound of pleasure, added to her senses and to the build up that was aching for a release.

"I'm right there baby, go faster." She cried out. Listening to her commands, he twisted his fingers deeper and sped the pace, sensing electric shots through her body.

A cry of relief left her mouth as he juices flowed out of her body for the fourth time of the day. She was happy that she finally got her release, but she wanted more.

Wrapping his arms around her body, he held her up and pressed his lips against hers. Her hands trailed down his body as she stuck into his pants and palmed his extremely hard dick.

"I could help this out too." She whispered to him with a smirk.

"Nah, it's about you tonight." He said before lifting her up and placing her on the bed. She watched him intently as he stripped out of his clothing and went to her draw to pull out a condom. Her mouth was salivating at his length and girth, hoping she wouldn't be able to feel her legs after this. He walked over to her with a goofy smile on his face, before spreading her legs wide open.

"Ooooo, okay okay okay." She moaned to herself as his tongue went across her slip again.

"Just got to savor the taste." He smiled at her before hovering over her body. Their lips connected once more, as they passionately moved in synch. His fingers played with her nipples as he pushed himself into her, allowing a muffle cry of joy to escape her lips.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

She frustratedly turned off her alarm and let out a loud groan. This was the third dream for the week and it got more intense than the last one. As she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she mentally chastised herself for imagination and picked up her phone. Her heart stopped at the first message she saw, hoping that she wouldn't over analyze the situation.

Yo. I've been having some interesting dreams about you. We need to talk.

All she hoped was that their interesting dreams weren't similar.

Would you look at that. A decent update 😌

Your thoughts?

If I have to suffer through heat, everyone should okay. OKAY. Anyways. Have a lovely night.

One Love
Kam 🖤

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