[14 ] Return ~ Diggy Simmons

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[14] Return II

Featuring Diggy SimmonsTechnique: Random prompt Inspired by: Genesis (should check it out)

"I'm not fourteen again, why the hell am I doing stimulation testing again?" {your Name} complained as Diggy lead her to the testing center that was on the other side of the building.

"Because you've been out of the society for a long time. We need to see if you can still handle the intensity of our universe. Any more questions Nancy Drew?" He ended his response with a sarcastic question. {your name} rolled her eyes at his childish demeanor as she left out a huff.

"What in the world did I do to you in order for you to have so much hatred in your soul for me?" She questioned him. Diggy let out a small chuckle as he opened the door to the stimulation room.

"I don't hate you {your name}. I'm just not over the shit you did, that's all." He said with a simple shrug.

"Ah isn't it the best pair we've ever had in the place." An older smooth voice said as he clasped his hands.

"Hey Troy, it's been a while." {your Name} said with a small chuckle as she hugged one of the elders of the organization.

"Mhhm it has been a long long time. Everything is good with you do?" He asked the younger woman.

"Can we just get started? No need for reunions." Diggy stated as he got dressed in the special suit. {your name} rolled her eyes at his attitude as Troy chuckled.

"He still upset isn't he?" Troy whispered to her as he handed her the suit.

"I don't even know what he is upset about." She said as he sucked her teeth, thinking about Diggy's hostile attitude. Troy raised a brow at her statement before laughing to himself.

"You two need to have a conversation as soon as possible, at least before you go out into the universe to fight."

"Wait, I thought I wasn't going to fight just as yet." She said perplexed as she looked at Diggy who just shrugged. He was already standing in the stimulation, waiting for her to join him.

"Oh no, we are just doing this test to see how well you guys are working with each other. You know unless we have to send you to partners therapy." Troy said with a shrug as she walked in. {your name} let out an annoyed groan as she gave Diggy a side eye.

"I can't stand your ass." She mumbled as Troy turned on the stimulation.

"Same." He said as he closed his eyes. The black and blue room in front of them, slowly changed into fiery orange and red colors. {your name} let out a small sigh as she continued to admire the technology around her. She knew where they were going, the one place that the pair almost died. This was the ultimate test to see if they learned from their mistakes and if they've gotten stronger.

"Can you guys hear me?" Troy's deep baritone voice echoed through the new stimulated universe.

"Yes." Both of them replied.

"Okay, welcome to Ugnis, the fiery underworld under the most frigid parts of Lithuania. All of these specimen are fire based and work for Kion. Last level battles are usually fought here as this is the core of his power. If you guys can successfully beat all of his men in the stimulation, you will be ready for anything else."

Diggy watched {your name} with worried eyes as he nodded his head. They looked around the familiar looking territory once more, taking in the trees that stood ablaze and orange to yellow sky above them.

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