[7] I Love You ~ Trevante Rhodes

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[7] I Love You
Featuring Trevante Rhodes

"I love you {your name}."

That simple sentence has been plaguing the mind of the young woman for about two weeks. She couldn't believe that he actually told her that or that he was serious.

She was also very afraid if his emotions were true to his words. {your name} grew up in an environment where love wasn't something that was around her. Her parents were together for the sake of business and all of her friends and past lovers were only around her because of the dollar sign that was associated with her name and family.

However, that motive changed when she met Trevante. The beautiful man caught her attention over a year ago as she was at one of Atlanta's downtown restaurant, waiting for a client. His stature and mannerism caught her attention and something inside of her of made her get up and introduce herself to the man.

A year later he was madly in love with her and she was afraid that she couldn't love him like he wanted her to do. She never had anyone show or teach her what loving someone is supposed to be like and she didn't want to hurt that man that has really been her breath of fresh air.

However, ignoring him was sending him off the edge. He mentally chastised himself day in and day out for uttering those words to her, especially at random. He knew he messed up when all of his calls and texts went unanswered and got no response from the various flowers and gifts he sent to her office on a regular. He knew the only way to get back to where they were, or at least try to, was to make an appearance at her place of business.

"Excuse Miss {Your Name}, there is a Mr. Rhodes here to see you." Her assistant said over the intercom. {your name} let out a sigh as she knew she couldn't be keep avoiding him.

"Let him in."

The door suddenly opened, giving {your name} the view of the tall, muscular, umber coloured man that captured her heart.

"Good afternoon {your name}." His smooth voice professionally said as he greeted his lover. {your name} eyes moved from his simple work attire of a light blue dress shirt and slacks to his face, resulting a small sigh.

"Hey Trevante." Nervous was an understatement when describing her current emotions. As he took long strides to the seat in front of her, she mentally braced herself for a verbal lashing.

"How are you doing, I really missed you." He said in a soft tone as he got comfortable in his seat. {your name} watched him with a confused look for a moment as she tried to figure out why he was so calm.

"I'm here." She said with a defeated sigh. "I'm just surprised that you're here and that you're not yelling at me for ignoring you for two weeks." Trevante let out a small chuckle as his pink tongue licked his plump lips.

"I'll be honest {your name} I'm hurt as fuck, but I know making a big scene isn't going to make things between us any better. It's honestly my fault that I brought it up."

"No it's not Trevante, I don't want you thinking that it is either." She said as she let out a sigh. "I'm really a fucked up person. You don't deserve me."

"What, {your Name} don't come with that bull shit now man. You already know how I feel about you. Don't think that I'm better than you either." He said as his voice trembled a bit.

"I love you too. I really do." She said as she wiped the tears that were threatening to fall. "But I can't love you the way you love me. You treat me so well and make me feel so good and I'm afraid that I can't give you back that feeling."

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