[1] As A Woman ~ Jordan Clarkson

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As A Woman
Featuring Jordan Clarkson
Inspired by: Homewrecker by RADI
(listen to the poem in the media)

"Aye {your Name}, sis I haven't seen you in forever." Jordan yelled across the Cavs facility as {your name} walked in by the weight. She let out a small chuckle at the man's hyper behavior as she gave a small greetings to the rest of the staff and players.

"Wassap man. How are you?" She asked as they dapped up with each other. Jordan let out a small sigh as he started to nod his head.

"It's going okay. I'm still trying to adjust to the atmosphere over here in Cleveland, wee where I stand."

"I just hope you know that you aren't the star of the how like you were trying to be in LA." She said with a small chuckle as she nudged him a bit. Jordan gave her a quick side eye as he shook his head.

"What brings your lopsided headass over here anyways? I thought after that situation you told your brother you wasn't going to show Up anymore?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face, secretly hoping that she came to spend some time with him. {your name} was the younger sister of Jeff Green and would always be at practices with him. Unfortunately she and Rodney Hood went at it and it ended in a disastrous event.

"I can't come in to check in and my people once in a while? Plus I actually wanted to tell you something, more of a confession and a thank you." She said as they moved to a more private area. Jordan's smirk turned into a full grin as he raised his brow at the woman.

"A confession of your love for me?"

"Don't be a cocky bastard Clarkson" {your Name} said with a cackle. "It's a confession of the love I have for your wife."

"Excuse me?" Jordan said with a strong chuckle, in denial of the truth the woman just told him. "My wife? Elizabeth?"

"Elizabeth, lizzie. Me amore. Yes I am and you should be thankful that I am present in her life."

"And why would I be happy that my wife has a, mistress." He said with an amused laugh. {your name} gave him a sly smirk as she shook head.

"Oh you are slower than I thought boo. You are the ideal husband. You got the money in order to take care of her. You take her out on fine dates and pamper her with your affection when you're home, but my friend your affection isn't half of what I do for her."

Jordan's amused look quickly turn into a frown as he watched her with a mug.

"Oops. Look like I hit an ego. I'm just saying Clarkson.. all those times that you came home and she had a big smile on her face ready to please you is because of me and she is ready for round three or four."

"Bullshit {your name}. Utter bullshit. What you use to break her back? A strap? You know that shit can't compare to the real thing."

"Oh your ignorance is comedic." She said with a slight chuckle. "But my friend, the power lies on the tongue. Sweet words filled with honest and truth, smooth strokes that put her in the mood. It's a power that she admits that you lack."

"My ignorance? Oh come on sis. All these poetic shit you are trying to preach is inaccurate but if you feel that's the case. That's alright." He said with a straight face as he took a step closer, squinting his eyes at her. {your name} let out a loud laugh as she put her hands in her pocket.

"I challenged your masculinity didn't I? Right?" She asked as her laughter turned into the giggles. "Look at your high yellow ass thinking that I was about to confess my feelings about you, a married man, whereas my interest only lies within your wife."

"You are acting like you're better than me and please understand that Elizabeth mine and mine alone."

"No sweetie. She is ours and if that big head of yours keep inflating she will be mine." {your name} said with a big grin. Jordan let out a dry chuckle as he shook his head, trying to refrain himself from the slapping the grin off her face.

"Aye Clarkson, let's get these reps." One of the trainers said as they called out for him. Jordan let out another laugh as he walked away.

"Now I know why nobody likes your ass." That statement made {your name} raise her brow in amusment.

"Me coming to you as a woman Jordan, ask shawty who is really Daddy?" She said loudly, catching the attention of the other players in the building. Choruses of "oos" filled the room as she walked out with that slick smirk on her face.

{your name} was that woman that gets what she wanted and she wasn't going to leave no man stand in her way.


Okay it might not be the most dramatic pieces but I love it because well, Mrs. Steal Your Gal issa ting yuh know.

Anyways what are your thoughts on this piece?

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That's all for today.

One Love, Kam.

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