[13]Problems ~ Mack Wilds

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[13] Problems
Featuring Mack Wilds
Prompt: problackthottie

"I'm here or whatever. Let's get this shit started." Mack stated as he walked into the room ten minutes late. {your name} rolled her eyes at her estranged husband as the marriage counselor smiled at him.

"Well, it's a pleasure having you here Mr. Wilds. We can get started by each of you guys stating what you think is the problem with your relationship." The counselor, Janice Issac said.

"Mrs. Wilds, you go first." Mack let out a small groan as he watched his wife with side eyes.

"Well he is never home, like never. When he reaches home it is always at the ass crack of dawn. He doesn't even watch me with any emotions. He is legit unreadable."

"Interesting." Janice stated as she wrote her notes down. "And what about you Mr.Wilds."

"Well, every time I want to talk about something, it always end in a screaming match and honestly doc, it's getting exhausting so I just do not speak anymore." He said with a shrug. {your name} raised a brow at his observations as she turned to face him.

"So your alternative is to reach home late at night smelling like cheap perfume and stripper booties?" {your name} asked, visibly upset.

"Before you answer that question Mr. Wilds, the Mrs, do you think he is stepping out on you?" Jessica asked.

"Well, he comes home around 3 every morning and always smell like some dumb shit. So yes I think he is cheating and if I find out that my hunch is true, he will no longer have a penis." {your name} said with a small smile. Janice's eyes widen at the threat as she cleared her throat.

"Well.. then."

"I'm not cheating on you, {your name}. I made a promise on that alter when we said those vows. I made a promise to you too and I'm not a cheater." He stated.

"Yeah, Beyoncé and Jayz said those vows too and now we have three albums telling us how dumb of a nigga Jayz is. You better start writing as well." {your Name} said with a tight lipped smile.

"Okay, the problem is obvious." Janice interrupted them. "You two have communication issues. You obviously do not know how to speak to each other, because using artist references and threatening to cut off penises and then referring to vows I know you probably cannot recite right now, just is not working."

"So what are we supposed to do then?" He asked as he rested his elbow on his knee.

"You guys need to go on a retreat. There is a great one here in SoCal. This would be for one week and there will be no cellphones, no outside communication. It would just be the two of you, rekindling your love. After that week you come back to me and we would go over basic techniques." She said as she wrote up their referral.

"Yeah, there is a problem with that. I'm not trying to lose money."{your Name} said as she crossed her arms.

"When you two got together, you were both broke right? Money didn't matter in the beginning when you're struggling and I know the both of you guys make money 24/7 so it should definitely not matter now." Janice stated with a slight attitude as she raised her brow. {your name} let out a sigh as she slouched in her chair.

"Fine whatever." She mumbled as Mack took the referral from Janice. {your name} just hoped that it wouldn't be a waste of their time.

"We've been here for two days {your Name} and we haven't had a proper conversation as yet." Mack complained as he sat at the edge of the King sized bed. {your name} looked up from her book as she rolled her eyes slightly.

"I thought all I do was yell and give you headaches." She responded with petty intentions.

"Don't be like that babe. We are all relaxed and whatever after meditation and the massages and we really need to speak on what's bothering us, in a respectable manner." He stated. {your name} let out a deep sigh as she marked her page and the put the book on the side desk.

"Okay, I'll go first." She said as she sat up straight. "I do not like the idea that you're always out. It fuels levels of insecurities that I've never experienced in my entire life Tristan. The fact that you come home smelling like other women, always make me overthink, so of course I think you're cheating on me. It's a bad feeling Tristan. And yes I know you're working but those late hours when we are supposed to spend time together.. are just used up in your rendezvous." She simply said as she watched him in his face.

Mack let out a deep sigh as he rubbed his hand over his face.

"I apologize if I made you feel like that babe. I've honestly haven't paid attention to any woman instead of you but I understand that my actions can create suspicion. It's just after that first night I came home late and you started yelling every time I try to explain about a late session and the yelling just continued and continued, so I just stayed in the studio later for some relaxation and such. Yes the guys bring a bunch of fandoms to the studio time after time but I don't even bother with them. Like deadass." He said as he watched her as well.

"Oh." {your Name} said as she watched around the room. She felt bad for not allowing him to express himself, and creating the barrier between them.

"I'm sorry Tristian it's just .." she said with a deep sigh. "I don't want it to happen like the last one."

Mack let out a small sigh as he crawled up on the bed towards her and wrapped his arms around her torso.

"It's not going to be like that okay." He said as he kissed his temple. "I love you so much {your Name} and I really want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too. I really do."

"Sorry, I'm late I hope you guys enjoyed your week- oh my bad." Janice paused as she walked into her office, ten minutes late and saw {your Name} and Mack making out with each other.

"Well, I guess things got better." She mumbled before clearing her throat. The couple quickly pulled away from each other and watched the woman with a cheesy grin.

"Heeeeey how you doing?" Mack said making {your Name} laugh.

"This is a good sign. That's good."


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